Orange County NC Website
Attachment 6 (o~ <br />r -y~ <br />f <br />,/: <br />~rzenc~s of~yyth~ yp~y ygy~ <br />September 9, 2009 <br />TO: Dave Stanch and Rich Shaw <br />Orange County Environment & Resource Conservation Department <br />FROM: Kate Dixon <br />Executive Director <br />919-698-9024; <br />RE: Volunteer Assistance with Construction and Maintenance of the <br />Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST <br />Thank you fox your interest in North Carolina's Mountains-to-Sea Trail (MST). More than <br />half of the 1000-mile trail is now complete in other parts of the state, and FMST members <br />and volunteers axe eager to help build and maintain Orange County's section of the trail. <br />The proposed route in Orange County starts on the Haw River at the Alamance County <br />border, follows Cane Creek through the OWASA Reservoir, cuts overland through the <br />Seven-Mile Creek area and onto Hillsborough's Riverwalk, and then runs down the Eno <br />River to Durham County. When complete this beautiful route will introduce hikers to some <br />of Orange County's most special places. <br />Progress on the MST in and around Orange C~ Important progress is already being <br />made on several sections of the proposed route. Alamance County has been working hard to <br />acquire land on the Haw River for its portion of the trail. Hillsborough is also making great <br />progress with its Riverwalk. FMST is starting trail construction in the Eno River State Paxk. <br />Further downstream on Falls Lake, FMST has completed 46 miles of trail, and Raleigh and <br />Wake County have pledged to build an additional 26 miles of trail on the Neuse River by <br />2012. If Orange County jumps on board, we could have well more than 100 miles of the <br />MST complete in the Triangle in four or five years. <br />Actions Needed Promote the Trail in Orange County We hope that the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners will take several actions to support the trail: <br />1. endorse the proposed route through the County <br />2. incorporate the trail route into the county's land use plan so that land will be set <br />aside for the trail if land is developed <br />