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10 <br />,~?-r~-r-x~ c FF~~t ~ ~ -- S`. <br />RESC)LUTIUN SUPP4RTiNG Ti-IE MC>UNTAINS-TO-SEA TRAIL IN <br />GUILIFC-ItD COUNTY, NC <br />A motion was made by Board of Commissioners member ~..- ytt~t.a ~1'ui.~,~3 and seconded by <br />Board Member _ ~~ ~p..~ ~.i ors for the adoption of the following xesolutian,'vohich upon <br />being put to a vote was duly adopted. <br />WHEREAS, the Mountains-to-Sea Trail is planned to provide a major cross-state transportation, recreation <br />and tourism resource for all North Carolinians; AND <br />WHEREAS, the Trail is planned to cover nearly 1,000 miles of the State, when all spurs and connectors axe <br />included; AND <br />WHEREAS, the Trail will highlight a~wide variety of historic and natural resources across the State and . <br />within Guilford County; AND <br />WHEREAS, the Trail would cozztribute towards improved quality of life and provide economic benefits <br />from the associated Yecxeatian and tourism; AND <br />WHEREAS, the Trail is a recommended project fxom the Greensboro Area Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization's adopted Bicycle, Pedestrian &Greenway Master Plan; AND <br />WHEREAS, creation and maintenance of the Trail is a joint venture among the North Carolina Department <br />of Environment and Natural Resources, Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, the Piedmont Land <br />Conservancy, the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Piedmont Triad Council <br />of Governments, Guilford Cvunty, and the City of Greensboro; AND <br />WHEREAS, Guilford County already has over 20 miles of trail in the Watershed Packs Trails System <br />designated as part o£ the Mountains-ta-Sea Trail and maintained by the City of Greensboro Parks and <br />Recreation Department; AND <br />WI-IEREAS, the proposed and existing segments of the Trail. in Guilford County include the Piedmont <br />Greenway, the Atlantic & Yadkin rail-trail, connector trails along the Mears Foxk and Long Branch from <br />Summexfield and tlxe watershed lal~e trails to the I Iaw River State Park, the Haw River Trail, and a trail along <br />Reedy Fork in eastern Guilford County; ~ . <br />Nt)W, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Guilford County Berard of County Coznxnissioners endorses <br />the Mountains-to-Sea Trail plan, with its primary and alternate trail routes, as delineat:.d an the attached map, <br />on this, the 1.8~ day of September, 2008. <br />`~ • V V ~ yam- .-~.-. <br />DATE Kixk erkins, Chairman <br />Guilfoxd County Board of County Conunissioz~ers <br />R-~~'~$ ~ <br />DATE WITNES <br />