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3 <br />on the topic. The Health Director, ERCD Director and Extension Director would be asked to <br />explore within their fields of expertise the potential fora "neutral party" to attend and, as keynote <br />speaker, summarize the research to date and present in unbiased fashion what is currently <br />known and unknown about this issue. <br />Such a forum would invite representatives from all stakeholder groups to be present and <br />participate including the wastewater utilities, environmental groups, agricultural operations, <br />public health interests, and others as identified. The end result of the forum would be the <br />identification of a "core list" of key issues, prioritized research needs, "questions that need <br />answers," and potential County actions to this end. <br />As noted by the County Attorney, some activities regarding regulation of biosolids application <br />are clearly the domain of the State. However, there may be avenues or opportunities for joint <br />activities in the public interest. Some of these potential future actions (which are not <br />recommended at this time, but listed below as fodder for future discussions) include: <br />• Engaging the State and utility providers in an enhanced monitoring and maintenance <br />program, <br />• Memoranda of Agreement with the State or with utility providers for provide for more <br />communication and monitoring, <br />• Exploration of activities by other counties around the nation in addressing biosolids <br />issues, and <br />• Other potential joint or partnership activities that furthers needed knowledge or <br />information regarding biosolids application. <br />It should be noted that the creation and planning for the educational forum concept above will <br />require the expenditure of staff resources, and that this event -and more importantly, any <br />subsequent follow-up activity or further research -will compete with existing Board goals and <br />priorities and may impact the ability to accomplish other activities. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with discussion of this topic. <br />Pursuing a forum or subsequent task force would require the expenditure of funds and <br />allocation of staff resources from multiple departments, which may impact other priorities and <br />activities. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board review the activities to <br />date, discuss the proposed educational forum as an initial step to address this issue, and if <br />agreeable, direct the Heath Director, ERCD Director and Extension Director to 1) collectively <br />identify an unbiased expert to be invited to address the forum, and 2) develop a draft program <br />for the event with defined outcomes. The Board may also wish to provide direction to the <br />County Attorney regarding options identified in his previous correspondence. <br />