Orange County NC Website
Item III <br />Summary of Orange County Individual Development Account <br />Grant Ended 1/09 <br />REPORT FROM THE WOMEN'S CENTER 9/28/09 <br />BACKGROUND: In 2006, the County received $50,000 in State Community Development <br />Block Grant (CDBG) funds for an IDA Program for first -time homebuyers with incomes below <br />80% of the area median income. Funds from this grant were used to match first -time homebuyer <br />participant's savings for a down payment to purchase their first home. The match ratio is 2:1. <br />For example, if a participant saved $1,000 toward the down payment on a home, their savings <br />are matched with $1,000 in CDBG funding and $1,000 in local funding equating to a 2:1 match <br />of local savings. The original application proposed serving 20 participants. The grant period <br />officially ended on January 31, 2009 and a summary of the program activities follows. <br />From the $50,000 CDBG Grant, approximately $4,000 was provided in matching funds, $10,000 <br />in administrative expense, and $20,000 in education expenses for a total grant expenditure of <br />$34,000. The remaining $16,000 will be de- obligated by the County and retained by the <br />Division of Community Assistance (DCA) for use in future program years. <br />Program Administration: As the grant administrator for the Orange County Individual <br />Development Account (IDA) program, The Women's Center offered an opportunity for up to 20 <br />low- to moderate - income individuals and families (defined as earning income up to a maximum <br />of 80% of the area median income *) to receive up to $2,000 in matched funds toward a down - <br />payment for the purchase of a home within Orange County. <br />Specific administration involved partnering with local companies, providing housing services, <br />data collection and quarterly reporting. A list of the partnering agencies is shown below in <br />Additional Information. <br />Housing Services Program Component: Housing Services involved outreach, <br />recruitment, curriculum design, participant intake and case management, and individual and <br />group counseling. <br />Credit Reporting and Counseling — Prospective participants were provided with a credit report <br />review and credit counseling by the Director of Financial and Housing Programs. Credit reports <br />were reviewed in detail and credit scores were assessed to determine potential eligibility for a <br />home loan. Those clients with low and extremely low scores (300 to approximately 550) were <br />encouraged to receive additional financial counseling to assist in debt reduction and score <br />improvement. Individuals with higher scores and who met the other eligibility requirements <br />were subsequently enrolled in the program. Enrollees met with the Director a minimum of two <br />hours and spoke with the Director via telephone or email, as needed. <br />