Orange County NC Website
Item IV <br />Some Comments from Park Owners <br />In some instances, owners responded to the notice letter that we sent. In phone calls, CRA -NC <br />developed a few anecdotal conclusions from their comments. <br />Several owners said that they have trouble with collections from residents. <br />Some said that maintaining infrastructure, in particular roads, is too expensive relative to the cash flows <br />generated by rent. <br />Several owners asked if it would be possible to sell their park. This hints at the possibility that Orange <br />County, in connection with a non - profit or by itself, would likely have a good deal of choice in selecting <br />app public investment. A <br />The a is a to f distrust a ong owners about the intent about Orange ounty. The s urce o distrust is <br />frac ured. ome ppears o focus o P Th is hardly a urpr sing position i his enviro ment. <br />Ma y others said t at the fe I as if C unty onl cares a o t Chapel Hill s owners of parks, <br />ma y doubled that any en ea or by t com to go d. ey ar suspic ous, o en due to <br />exp rience ith ha ing ho es emove ts n - permitted. <br />Thee is a loU6fvari)isa etw en the quanti of to or a qua tity f unit on lot, La to the <br />recorded permits in C d cume ts. In s me instance 5, this coul bed a to a l er r. In <br />others, a wide ancy. For a m e units n it is <br />zoned for— approximately 47 units and 54 lots although it is only supposed to have 19 lots. <br />Parks Ready for Rehabilitation <br />Another mobile home park is authorized to have 17 units. Currently, there are three abandoned homes <br />on the property and a number of vacant units. Most of the lots are unoccupied. The owner would like <br />to rehabilitate the park but he believes that the County will not authorize him to bring new units back <br />onto the property. <br />11 <br />