Orange County NC Website
Item IV <br />Parks of Moderate Quality <br />These are probably some of the locations that would best be the target for a County intervention. <br />Unlike the best communities, there is a public interest to upgrade the living conditions within these <br />communities. At the same time, the costs of rehabilitation are likely to be lower than in the worst parks. <br />These parks have not been allowed to fall out of shape. This section highlights some of the communities <br />that could be the subject of further investigation by the County for their viability as enhanced residential <br />areas. Most are located on the outskirts of Chapel Hill. <br />Park AA, Chapel Hill. This park has many amenities, from secured mailboxes and signage to road signs <br />within the site. It would be an excellent site for public intervention. The park has asphalt, although the <br />potholes need attention. About one in four lots in the community are vacant. Some of these lots could <br />be cleared and put to a new use, such as a common area or a playground. There are no vacant units. It <br />is a large park, wit spaces. <br />Park 88, Carrboro. This p k has 28 lots and all are occupied. The park h s an al otmen to ha a 17 more <br />lots hinting that t ere is a diti na u ve o ed ce in the mu i y. The par ready has s cured <br />mai boxes, dequa a turna ou d cap iE ketball court. <br />Par CC, Ch pel Hi l . This i no a large d 13 u its nd all re occ pied. he park is <br />wel - landsc It has s cure mail- mor am nties. It has ravel r ads. One <br />sun eyor noted that eac lot is istinc ots. <br />Par i 1. While all ccu , ere vacant I lot of <br />undeveloped land in the tract. This would be a park that could be built out in order to generate new <br />cash flow to support the cost of new investment. The park has secured mailboxes and good gravel <br />roads, but it is otherwise lacking in amenties. <br />Very good parks: <br />Park AAA, Orange County. This is a large park with many doublewide homes. It has many amenities, <br />including a common area and secure mailboxes. It does not have streetlights, but it also has no dogs. It <br />looks like any other subdivision. All 100 available units are rented out. <br />Park 888, Orange County. This park scored high in almost every category. It has good amenities: street <br />lights, signage, secure mailboxes, and a common area. The landscaping is well -kept. There is room for <br />emergency vehicles to turn around. Eighty -six of the park's 88 units are occupied. One is vacant, and <br />the other is abandoned. This is the kind of park that would benefit from a targeted use of the <br />Abandoned Mobile Home program. By removing the only blighted home in the park, 86 households <br />would have an improved living environment. <br />Park CCC, Chapel Hill. This park is scored high in almost every category. The roads are paved and the <br />streets are designed in cul -de -sacs. It has many amenities, including street lights. Residents enjoy soccer <br />fields, playgrounds, a swimming pool, a community center, secure mail, speed limit signs, and fences on <br />4 <br />