Orange County NC Website
-~ <br />., ~. . <br />Carolina State Road tt1822, also known as Kennedy Circle, in Eno <br />Township, Orange County, North Carolina. The Notice mailed set <br />the date and time of the Public Hearing and also the amount of <br />assessment on the property owned by the person to whom the Notice <br />was sent according to the county tax records. <br />Y7ITNESS my hand a.nd the official. seal of the Board of <br />Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, this the 8th <br />day of Auqust 197$. <br />ActingClerk of the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />' This resolution is effective upon its passage. <br />Thereupon, on Motion duly made and seconded, this r~sol.u- <br />tion was passed by the following vote, this the $th day of -: <br />Auqust__, 1978• <br />Ayes: Chairman Richard Whitted, Norman Gustaveson fan Pinney <br />~~N, SERNt1012 <br />11CKFRSON <br />:TUKNEYS AT LAW <br />=NAPEL HILL, N.C. <br />:.I.S'tOROUCN, N.C. <br />Noes: Norman Walker <br />I, Sam Gattis , Clerk of the Board of <br />Commissioners of Orange County, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore- <br />going is a true copy of the proceedings of said Board of Commis- <br />sioners at a meeting held on August 7, 1978, so far as the same <br />relate to the Preliminary Assessment Role for the financing by <br />Orange County of the local share of the cost of paving North <br />Carolina State Road X1819, also known as Adam's Place, North <br />Carolina State Road X1820, also known as Jefferson, North <br />Carolina State Road #1821, also known as Washington Drive and Nor <br />Carolina State Road X1822, also known as Kennedy Circle, located <br />