Orange County NC Website
Town of Chapel Hill site fails some of the criteria and is problematic politically. He would prefer <br /> Plan B, which is to send the trash to Durham County. <br /> Mark Hulbert is a parent of children that go to Emerson Waldorf School. He said that <br /> they cross Millhouse Road every day to go to playing fields and he is already worried about the <br /> traffic. He is afraid that a transfer station will add more traffic to this area. He said that if the <br /> County chose one of the Chapel Hill sites, the transparent process has not been followed. He <br /> said that the public process is flawed by the public's perception. He suggested sending the <br /> trash to Durham County so that there is sufficient time to build a good process that is fair and <br /> transparent. <br /> Laura Streitfield is with Preserve Rural Orange. She said that when she asked staff <br /> this week about the environmental review process for the transfer station, County staff directed <br /> her to the updated comprehensive plan. She said that one of the challenges to sustainability <br /> is loss of natural habitats. She made reference to the proposed site on the Howell property in <br /> Bingham Township. She said that this site lies in an agricultural residential zone with wetlands <br /> running through it, without municipal services or interstate access. She said that the citizens <br /> hold Orange County accountable to follow its own standards and ask the County <br /> Commissioners to make every effort to locate a transfer station in a non-residential area with <br /> compatible lands, municipal services, and interstate access. She said that it appears that the <br /> 25-acre minimum for the site is no longer essential. She said that it makes sense to look at <br /> smaller sites. She asked the County Commissioners to apply the same standards to this <br /> project as is applied to all citizens in Orange County in the comprehensive plan. <br /> Alex Castro said that he has lived in Orange County for 20 years and he is happy to <br /> see that the majority of his taxes go to the schools. He said that the County needs to provide <br /> good education and it bothers him that the County wants to spend $5-6 million on garbage. <br /> He suggested using Durham County's transfer station. He said to do the right thing with the <br /> tax dollars. <br /> Nancy Tunnessen read a prepared statement: <br /> "My name is Nancy Tunnessen and I am here tonight representing the Orange County <br /> Organizing Committee. We are working to improve the lives of ordinary people of Orange <br /> County and we are composed of and supported by 30 religious congregations and nonprofit <br /> organizations. As a group we study a variety of issues and we get involved in public debate <br /> when we think our voice can add value and reason. <br /> This past spring representatives of our member organizations voted to weigh in on an <br /> issue of environmental justice in our county. The possibility that the proposed Waste Transfer <br /> Station would be located at the Eubanks Road landfill site seemed unjust and discriminatory. <br /> You all responded to the anguish of the Rogers Eubanks Road neighborhood and essentially <br /> removed that community from consideration for the Waste Transfer Station. We applauded <br /> your decision. <br /> But the County still has the problem of what to do with our trash. We are here tonight <br /> to reiterate our plea that the County use the gift of extra time it has been given to come up with <br /> a viable, socially responsible, economically sound, environmentally friendly solution. <br /> With citizen help criteria were written to help identify possible sites for a Waste Transfer <br /> Station. Tonight you have before you 4 options, only one of which surfaced using those <br /> criteria to identify it, and it has severe drawbacks. Option 3, to work with Durham, reflects the <br /> sentiment that a waste transfer station in Orange County might not be the solution after all. <br /> Options 2 and 4 just "emerged." That concerns us. If the acreage criteria have been adjusted, <br /> it strains creditability to think these two parcels are the only ones in the County that qualify as <br /> possible sites for a Waste Transfer Station. <br /> We are all tired of trash....but this is an important decision and needs to be made <br /> carefully. We remind you that there really is time to do this right. <br />