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The Board endorsed the use of the Fannie Mae Uniform Community Land Trust Lease Rider <br /> by the Community Home Trust and authorized the County Attorney's office to review and <br /> approve. <br /> d. Addition of Subdivision Roads in Churton Grove Phase 3 to the NCDOT Maintained <br /> Road System <br /> The Board forwarded the Petition for Addition to the State Maintained system for subdivision <br /> rods in Churton Grove Phase 3 to the NCDOT and recommended the Board of Transportation <br /> accept those roads for maintenance as State secondary roads. <br /> e. Resolution Naming Area in New Main Library for Rebecca B. Wall <br /> The Board adopted the resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to officially name the <br /> local history area of the new Main Library on West Margaret Lane for Rebecca B. Wall <br /> consistent with the naming policy. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Relating to the Amount of Development <br /> of Non-residential Land Uses within Certain Watershed Overlay Districts <br /> The Board received the Planning Board and staff recommendation(s) and considered <br /> taking action on a staff-initiated Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Section 6.23.1 of the <br /> Zoning Ordinance seeking to allow the development of non-residential land uses within certain <br /> critical and protected watershed overlay districts in instances where such areas are located <br /> within previously identified Rural Community Activity Nodes. <br /> Planner Michael Harvey reviewed this item. He made reference to Attachment 2, which <br /> was the Ordinance Amending the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. He said that the Cedar <br /> Grove Rural Community Activity Node has approximately 295 acres, with 60% of it <br /> encumbered by the existing Upper Eno Critical Watershed Overlay District. Section 6.31 of the <br /> zoning ordinance specifically stipulates that you cannot have any commercial or industrial <br /> development within the critical watershed overlay district and 60% of this node is unusable for <br /> that purpose. During the May Quarterly Public Hearing, the staff indicated that it was not the <br /> County's intention to stipulate that 60% of this node could not be developed for non-residential <br /> purposes. Staff proposed an amendment that stipulates that the prohibition would remain in <br /> place, but that language would be added to the section stipulating that commercial <br /> development could occur within established node boundaries consistent with policies and <br /> guidelines of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. If this ordinance is passed, the critical <br /> watershed overlay district would still exist on the zoning map and additional non-residential <br /> development would be allowed, consistent with the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, which <br /> would include a maximum of ten acres of Local Commercial I and a maximum of ten acres of <br /> Neighborhood Commercial II, for a total of 20 acres, representing approximately 5% of the total <br /> 500 acres within the existing node boundary. He said that any development within this area <br /> would be limited to a 6% impervious surface limitation. <br /> He said that the Planning Board reviewed this item at its July 1, 2009 meeting and <br /> voted 6 to 1 that: Section 6.23.1 be amended to only allow the properties at the intersection of <br /> Carr Store and Efland-Cedar Grove Road within the Cedar Grove Rural Community Activity <br /> Node to develop non-residential land uses consistent with the provisions of the Ordinance, and <br /> that the County Board of Commissioners authorize the development of a Small Area Plan for <br />