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ordinance states that an outdoor sports field cannot have lighting past 11:00 unless it was to <br /> conclude a previously scheduled and commenced event. Mr. Harvey said that the proposed <br /> revision says that an outdoor sports field in a rural areas of the County cannot have outdoor <br /> sports field lighting on past 11:00 p.m.. Craig Benedict said that for certain outdoor events, it <br /> would be a determination by the Planning Department to decide to go past time limits. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that one could argue whether Efland is urban or rural and it <br /> should be specified that it is for a single scheduled event. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Planning staff for making a differentiation in the <br /> ordinance between urban and rural. He said that the County did consult at one time with a <br /> group about light pollution. He thinks that this improves the ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference that he had some general comments on the <br /> wording on page 16, Section 6.31.9, of the proposed Ordinance and indicated that he would <br /> supply staff with those comments directly. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she agreed with what has been said about distinguishing <br /> between residential and non-residential , and suggested that the distinction should be made <br /> clear throughout the whole ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the PA system and the port-a-potties and how <br /> this would be handled and Michael Harvey said that the Sheriff's Department would handle this. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger suggested that light timers might work. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br /> to refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned in time for the <br /> December 7, 2009 BOCC meeting and adjourn the Public Hearing until December 7, 2009 in <br /> order to receive the Planning Board's recommendation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 2. Strategic Growth and Rural Conservation Plan: To receive public comment on <br /> acceptance of the Strategic Growth and Resource Conservation (SGRC) Plan. The SGRC <br /> is a proposed program whereby development rights in specific areas of the county could be <br /> transferred to other specific areas of the county in order to preserve and protect sensitive <br /> areas and uses while allowing development and greater density/intensity in areas of the <br /> county better suited to accommodate it. The first two phases of the SGRC program <br /> (research and feasibility) were previously completed and were accepted in June 2006. The <br /> final third phase (specific program and administrative design) is the subject of this hearing, <br /> not as an implementation action but as a list of recommendations for future prioritization and <br /> specific text or map zoning amendment. <br /> Planning Director Craig Benedict made a PowerPoint presentation. <br /> QUARTERLY PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Acceptance of the Strategic Growth and Rural <br /> Conservation Feasibility Study Phase III (Program Implementation Plan) <br />