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i~ <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted tv accept the recommendation of <br />the Finance Director to release certain .uncollected 1967 taxes. <br />"Whereas the Orange County Board of Commissioners has determined <br />that the 1967 personal property taxes outstanding at June 30, 1978 <br />are uncollectible; therefore, be it resolved by the Orange County Berard <br />of Commissioners' meeting in regular session on July 24, 1978 that the <br />unsecured taxes on personal property for the year 1967 be released from <br />the records of the Orange County Tax Collector and the Orange County <br />Finance Office .to be effective as of June 30, 1978." <br />Item 12: The County Manager brought to the attention of the <br />Board a subgrant application for training of local law enforcement <br />officers. The grant is for $1,436 and requires $72.00 local match. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to approve the resolution to apply for <br />grant monies through the North Carolina Division of Crime Control. <br />For copy of said resolution, see page 681 of this book. <br />Item 11: The Health Director will review with the Board: <br />p,, The 1978-1979 line item budget of the Health <br />Department. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized the Health Director, <br />Jerry Robinson, the Chairman to the Health Board, Dr. William <br />Mayes, and other members of the Health Board who were present. <br />Mr. Robinson stated that the $472,306 appropriation <br />ta.the Health Department for 1978-1979 will pay far the existing <br />staff in the Department. He added this is a tight budget and it <br />will be exceedingly easy to get into an overexpenditure state, <br />particularly in the non-personnel area. Mr. Robinson stated his <br />department would not be able to expand or implement programs <br />which had been described to the Commissioners but the department <br />would be in a hold-the-line status. Mr. Robinson stated he had <br />submitted a revised budget to the Finance Officer. <br />The consensus of the Board was to request the Finance Officer <br />to prepare a formal budget amendment of changes to the Health <br />Department's budget and this amendment will be presented at the <br />first August meeting. <br />B. An amendment to the budget considered in A above to <br />reflect an additional state grant of $15,000 to fund a teenage <br />pregnancy program. <br />Mr. Robinson informed the Board that his department had <br />received a State grant to fund a teenage pregnancy program in <br />Orange County, requiring a local match of $15,000. Two clinics <br />will be established, one in Chapel Hill and one in Hillsbarough~ <br />to deal with teenage pregnancy problems and efforts will be <br />directed toward educating teenagers regarding pregnancy. <br />Commissioner Walker stated this area was one in which the <br />Commission for Women has been working. He added there appears to <br />be a duplication of effort and suggested that there be better <br />coordination between the Commission fvr Women and the Health <br />Department. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted that the Finance Officer prepare <br />a budget amendment to reflect an additional State grant of $15,000 <br />to fund a teenage pregnancy program in the Health Department. <br />Commissioner Walker voted against this motion. <br />