Orange County NC Website
E? <br />PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION — OPTION THREE (3): <br />1. The Board of County Commissioners initiate a comprehensive and countywide <br />awareness education program about idling and the contaminants it puts in our <br />air, focusing specifically on areas with children and idling vehicles (such as <br />schools, ball fields, etc.) to start in the fall of 2009 and end in the spring of 2011. <br />The goal of .the program is to encourage individuals to turn off their vehicles <br />when parked rather than allowing them to idle, and <br />2. To recommend the Board of County Commissioners disregard staffs two (2) <br />options and take no action on adopting regulations banning development of <br />drive -thru facilities within the County's planning jurisdiction (Option 1) or adopting <br />comprehensive development standards for drive -thru facilities (Option 2). <br />