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0RD-a009-1.44 5 <br />STAFF OPTION TWO (2): REGULATION: <br />Amend Article Six (6) Application of Dimensional Requirements as follows: <br />Section 6.9 Accessory Uses for non - residential developments — Drive thru facilities <br />regulations: <br />1. Definition <br />a. Drive - through business (land use). An establishment that sells <br />products or provides services to occupants in vehicles, <br />including drive -in .or drive -up windows and drive - through <br />services. <br />Drive - through businesses, non - restaurants - A drive - through <br />business that serves a use not related to a restaurant, fast <br />food restaurant or formula fast food restaurant. This use <br />includes the operation of drive -up or a drive -up or a drive - <br />through service at a bank or financial institution, food sales <br />(for off -site preparation or consumption only), personal <br />services, and retail sales (e.g., pharmacy). <br />ii. Drive - through business, restaurants — A drive - through <br />business that operates in conjunction with a restaurant, fast <br />food restaurant or formula fast food restaurant. <br />2. Any and all accessory uses necessary for the operation of a proposed <br />non - residential or mixed use development shall not be erected in any <br />required open space and shall conform to all other applicable <br />regulations contained within this Ordinance, <br />3. In addition to any and all applicable Federal, State, or local <br />requirements, the following specific standards shall govern the <br />development and use of drive -thru facilities for the Project: <br />a. Any non - residential land use utilizing a drive-thru facility, <br />whether as a principal use of property or .within a Planned <br />Development or another similar multi -use non - residential or <br />mixed use development, shall not be located within fifty (50) feet <br />of an exterior property line. This includes the building, kiosk, <br />drive lane for the drive-thru, or parking facilities, <br />b. No menu board utilized as part of a drive -thru shall be visible <br />from an external or internal roadway. This can be achieved via <br />the planting of a vegetative screen, <br />c. There shall be a minimum twenty -five (25) foot wide vegetative <br />strip planted along the length of the roadway utilized by the <br />drive -thru facility including any and all applicable stacking lanes. <br />This strip shall be planted with sufficient vegetation to form a <br />dense, opaque, buffer planted to the following standard: <br />i. There shall be a continuous evergreen hedge planted <br />along the interior curb of the drive -thru lane that will <br />have an initial planting height of thirty -six (36) inches <br />