Orange County NC Website
21 <br />u <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to close the public hearing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br />approve option 1: Adopt regulations banning the development and /or use of drive -thru facilities <br />throughout the County's planning jurisdiction. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 3 (Commissioner Pelissier, Commissioner Nelson, and Commissioner Gordon); <br />Nays, 4 <br />Motion failed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br />table this item and wait for additional information that was originally requested, collaborate with <br />the school boards for an awareness campaign to reduce idling, and receive information from the <br />OUT Board regarding these issues. <br />Craig Benedict said that if this is tabled, it would have to be re- advertised. <br />Commissioner Hemminger said that tabling this will be sending a bad message. She <br />does agree with the education campaign. <br />Commissioner Pelissier asked if there is any data that shows that banning drive -thrus <br />does not detract from business operations. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that there is data in Carrboro and they have not been <br />negatively impacted at all. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would entertain an amendment to the motion to <br />include soliciting from Economic Development Directors of governments that have banned <br />drive - thrus information about the impacts. Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with the amendment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />