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17 <br />294 Michael Harvey: I think it would be prudent if we say, prior to making a formal recommendation on staffs <br />295 recommendation, the Planning Board proposal is to make a recommendation to the County Commissioners <br />296 that this education program commence or be undertaken. That's prior to the Board making any formal <br />297 decision on what has been presented to you this evening by staff. <br />298 <br />299 Jeff Schmitt: Can I make a friendly amendment? That in the midst of that the educational campaign would <br />300 go about for a specific time period. Say a year or eighteen months. After the end of that time accessing <br />301 the results of that campaign we would then go back and entertain staffs recommendations at that time. <br />302 <br />303 Brian Crawford: That's very different, if she makes that motion, it does address the staffs <br />304 recommendation. <br />305 <br />306 Mary Bobbin Cooke: I accept that. <br />307 <br />308 Earl McKee: I've got one question, that amendment brings us back to either accepting option or option two? <br />309 <br />310 Brian Crawford: No, we're not going to accept either option. We're putting the education option forward to <br />311 the Board of County Commissioners and we're not going to make any formal deliberation on the staffs <br />312 recommendation for another eighteen months as suggested. <br />313 <br />314 Pete Hallenbeck: I'm clear on the motion, but I really like the statement a) let's educate and then b) put <br />315 something back on the Commissioners and have those be two independent things. I think that's a lot <br />316 clearer and something's going to happen. It gets it moving and there's not vagueness about when does <br />317 this start how do you fund it, what's the impact. <br />318 <br />319 Nathan Chambers: We are saying eighteen months and the months the schools are out should be <br />320 considered. If we are going to start let's do if in the school season. Eighteen months is fine but there are <br />321 three months they are out so it should include two school seasons. <br />322 <br />323 Larry Wright: Craig, can the Commissioners ask or do they have any influence over the superintendent of <br />324 the schools to have them start these programs? <br />325 <br />326 Craig Benedict: Volunteer, yes. There's good dialog. <br />327 <br />328 MonoN made by Mary BobbinCooke to have a comprehensive countywide awareness education program <br />329 about idling and the contaminants it puts in our breathing air. It will specifically focus on areas with children <br />330 and idling vehicles (such as schools, ball fields, etc.) to start in the fall of 2009 and end in the spring of <br />331 2011. Seconded by Jeff Schmitt. <br />332 <br />333 VOTE: 7 -2 (Wright, Marcoplos) <br />334 <br />335 Brian Crawford: Michael can you read the recommendation on Item 8 to the Planning Board. <br />336 <br />337 Michael Harvey: What staff is recommending is that we pursue option two which is what we testified to at <br />338 the Public Hearing. Your options are to a) prohibit or b) regulate. The Board can make a further <br />339 recommendation as has already been discussed. You can make a motion for a third motion if you so <br />340 choose. <br />341 <br />7 <br />