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16 <br />245 Brian Crawford: I looked at the legal challenges, one thing that popped out at me. if you go and do a <br />246 general ban across the whole County, and we do run into a developer or someone who wants to challenge <br />247 it, would we be able to sustain it based on such a general ban. Its something we've got to think about in <br />248 this process. That is the exact thought that lead me to be very neutral on this whole plan and just say, we <br />249 might want to sit back and not do anything about it There are just so many issues that we can't anticipate <br />250 at this point. <br />251 <br />252 Mark Marcoplos: I am very much in favor of an awareness campaign, I think its key. i think a ban fits in <br />253 perfectly with it. I just want to put things in perspective. If you don't think it makes much difference, you <br />254 might take that logic and say we're in a drought, i could change my showerhead to a water saving <br />255 showerhead but it doesn't make that much difference. That's a flawed argument because every little bit of <br />256 progress helps and every small action is part of greater progress. I think you have to look at this as one <br />257 part of a solution. It complements an awareness campaign because it's something that gets people's <br />258 attention. it shows some seriousness and gets attention, it doesn't mean we are going to immediately go <br />259 out and bull doze all the existing drive -thrus. It really is a relatively small number of unknown future drive - <br />260 thrus that may be built. That means it's a pretty easy way to make a point and cut down on future pollution <br />261 and the . problems that drive - thrus cause. There's this idea its going to have this huge impact on <br />262 businesses across the County, its not that kind of thing. It has been very successful in Carrboro and 1 <br />263 haven't heard anyone complain about it. <br />264 <br />265 Michael Harvey: I think there is a consensus that there is going to be some motion made that includes the <br />266 provision for a campaign on educating people about emissions and idling, I would urge the Board to do this <br />267 in two steps. The initial motion being made to recommend to the County Commissioner to consider an <br />268 educational campaign, keeping that separate from any motion concerning the disposition this item. <br />269 <br />270 MOTION made by Mary Bobbitt-Cooke to establish an awareness campaign for the entire County but <br />271 specifically targeted at schools where young children are present and that it precede any regulation on <br />272 drive - thrus. Seconded by Jeff Schmitt. <br />273 <br />274 Larry Wright: So this has to precede anything? <br />275 <br />276 Mary Bobbitt Cooke: I'm recommending two phases, the first being an education awareness outreach <br />277 comprehensive and it specifically targets schools where there is a lot of idling waiting for children. Phase <br />278 two would be that there would be no regulation until this campaign has run and people have a chance to <br />279 learn about ozone emissions and clean air. <br />280 <br />281 Lary Wright: I find this motion flawed, I like the first part but the second could make this go on forever <br />282 where nothing is ever done. I cannot support that because you could educate forever. <br />283 <br />284 Mark Marcoplos: I agree. I think we should decouple that. The second motion i believe we're going to <br />285 hear speaks to regulation. i think we would want to be able to vote on a comprehensive awareness <br />286 campaign with or without any regulations. I think we would want to be able to say we like that in and of <br />287 itself. I am totally in favor of this awareness campaign but to have the condition that it must happen before <br />288 any regulation is not something that I can support. <br />289 <br />290 MOTION made by Mary Bobbitt -Cooke recommending a- comprehensive countywide education awareness <br />291 outreach campaign to specifically focus on schools where there is a lot idling affecting the health of <br />292 children. Seconded by Jeff Schmitt. <br />293 <br />T <br />