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13 <br />99 there is a lot of asthma and we have a couple of schools close to the highway. It's an education and <br />100 community outreach but its not a regulation so I think it's compatible with yours Jeff. <br />101 <br />102 Jeff Schmitt: I think that's an excellent suggestion. As I read through here, option one is to prohibit it, <br />103 option two some of this stuff is over the top in the midst of what we're trying to do to get some of these folks <br />104 to do this. I think this suggestion is a very reasonable common sense approach to take in the midst of this. <br />105 Let's see if we can't do something on a voluntary basis with signs, placards, whatever doing it at schools <br />106 before we put another regulation in place. We have enough regulations in this County to begin with and 1 <br />107 think this is just another one. While it is not enforceable and we're not going to have the idle police out <br />108 there, I think it does make a lot of sense that we're trying to trust the responsibility, the integrity, and the <br />109 concern all of the citizens of the County probably have for pollution when we are sitting in long lines. One <br />110 other point I'd like to make is that the business model that a lot of restaurants and other businesses are <br />111 based upon being able to drive through so as the County expands what we are in essence doing is putting <br />112 a significant amount of limitations on them and/or telling them not to come to begin with because of this <br />113 regulation. <br />114 <br />115 Lary Wright: First of all, I thing the OUTBoard has taken up this issue and I think that discussion would be <br />116 important to the Commissioners. I've thought about this a lot and I thought about the turning off of the <br />117 engines and as much I do not like exhaust pumping out into the atmosphere, it is almost impossible to get <br />118 by Cameron Park around 2:30 -3:00 and you can't expect these parents to turn off a car when it is very cold <br />119 or very hot outside. I think it's a little unrealistic in some circumstances to ask them to turn off their cars. 1 <br />120 see some problems here. Then I think as far as the businesses not coming in, Carrboro has proven that <br />121 wrong. They will come in. I think the rationale is flawed. I would like to know if the OUTBoard has <br />122 discussed this and what the outcome of those discussions were. <br />123 <br />124 Mark Marcoplos: I agree with Larry on this lobbyist organization's study. I studied it for awhile and they are <br />125 talking about when a car stops gases emit from the engine. In the study they are only talking about what <br />126 happens in the parking lot, that's narrow. They are really stretching it there. If you look at some other <br />127 information, I did some research on this, we know that idling wastes fuel, we know it releases pollutants <br />128 that would not be released if the car were turned off, we know that if your car is idling for more than 10 <br />129 seconds its cost effective and resource effective to turn it off, 6 -10 seconds is now understood to be the <br />130 amount of fuel it takes to start your car. Every hour you idle you waste 7/10th of a gallon of gas. This is <br />131 some information from. Sierra Magazine, in a given year U.S. cars bum some 1.4 billion gallons of fuel just <br />132 idling. Idling trucks waste 1.5 billions gallons. Collectively we emit about 50 million tons of carbon dioxide <br />133 while we are essentially doing nothing just waiting and'idling. It puts a little strain on the business to have <br />134 this kind of regulation but what is really at stake? We know global warming is real. We know we're <br />135 stressing our environment. We know people are getting sick so at a certain point you have to say do we <br />136 rise to the challenge or do we fall back into what we used to think 15, 20, 30 years ago that we can go on <br />137 pretty much as we have been living and expect things to just solve themselves. I really feel like we're not <br />138 doing a whole lot of damage to important businesses in our community if we require people to park to go <br />139 into a restaurant. All my favorite restaurants, they don't have drive -thrus the ones that keep money into <br />140 the community anyway, serve healthy food. Its where the mothers and children ought to be going anyway. <br />141 It's not my decision; I just throw that out as an observation. As far as the handicapped if people can get in <br />142 their cars they can get out of their cars. I think doing nothing as an option not only does it not get the <br />143 reductions in emissions that we need but it misses a great educational opportunity. It sends the message <br />144 that it doesn't really matter to us. It doesn't make the point that this is something we are really serious <br />145 about and understand the need to do. Maybe we don't all understand the need to do it yet. The business <br />146 limitation if that's the only litmus test we'll never get much done. As we learn about our impact on the <br />3 <br />