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1E <br />1 Commissioner Jacobs said that he might agree with the stand -alone ATMs, but if there is <br />2 a bank, there should not be a drive - through teller. He suggested that staff do research on other <br />3 jurisdictions in the country that have been successful in banning drive -thrus and the other <br />4 models that are out there. <br />5 Michael Harvey said that the staff did some research and did not come up with anything <br />6 conclusive. It was not exhaustive research. <br />7 Commissioner Pellisier clarified that schools would be exempt from this ban. <br />8 Commissioner Jacobs said that he had a conversation with Ms. Bobbitt-Cook about this <br />9 before the meeting and she pointed out that the Forsyth County Schools ask/require parents to <br />10 turn off their cars while they are in the drop -off /pick -up lane. He would like to put something in <br />11 writing to the school systems to try and work toward having people either not drive or at least <br />12 turn off cars. <br />13 Commissioner Gordon pointed out the issues with the aging population and people with <br />14 small children in their cars. There is more to think about than just the environmental aspect. <br />15 She would like to think about this more in terms of how to go about this. <br />16 Michael Harvey made reference to attachment 2 and the facts about car idling. <br />17 Commissioner Foushee supported Commissioner Yuhasfs and Commissioner Gordon's <br />18 comments. She said that what some people see as a convenience, other people see as a <br />19 necessity. <br />20 Craig Benedict said that the only hybrid idea was a carwash type conveyor belt, where <br />21 people would get in line at a drive - through and be shuttled through like a car wash. Staff will <br />22 continue its research. <br />23 Mark Marcoplos made reference to attachment 2 and said that cars should be turned off <br />24 after 6 -10 seconds and not 30 seconds. He said that it seems that car idling is the issue here, <br />25 and there should be signs to tell people to turn off their cars while they are waiting. <br />26 Mary Bobbitt-Cooke said that she is struck by the fact that nobody has ever requested a <br />27 drive - through ordinance. She cautioned the County Commissioners to step back and not put <br />28 regulations in place when they are not even being asked for. She suggested not being <br />29 progressive through regulation, but being innovative. She believes in a combination of policy <br />30 and education. <br />31 <br />32 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />33 Melvin Whitfield said that all of the creeks and branches on his property have already <br />34 been graded, dug out, fenced, and sown with grass. He asked if there was any point in doing <br />35 anything with this. <br />36 <br />37 Commissioner Jacobs said that the Hillsborough Economic Development District that <br />38 was developed jointly 8 -10 years ago banned drive -thrus and Hillsborough ignores this in <br />39 approving developments. <br />40 Commissioner Nelson said that Carrboro has had a prohibition for drive - thrus since <br />41 1994. <br />42 <br />43 A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />44 refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned to the <br />45 County Board of Commissioners in time for the agenda schedule of the June 2, 2009 BOCC <br />46 meeting, and adjourn the public hearing until June 2, 2009 in order to receive and accept the <br />47 Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br />48 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />49 <br />