Orange County NC Website
8~ <br />want to go, and should complement the county's comprehensive <br />planning' : (p 5) <br />June 2005 <br />BOCC adopted the FY06-07 budget that included an appropriation of $25,000 to <br />initiate the fire and rescue service study. At the time, it was difficult to estimate <br />accurately the true cost, but Emergency Management had experience with a <br />similar study conducted in New Hanover County in the amount of $25,000, and if <br />necessary, County management would recommend additional funding in FY06- <br />07 if the amount were found to be inadequate. (Attachment B is a copy of the <br />IrAemorandum to the BOCC re: Suggested Approach to Initiating <br />Fire/Rescue Service Study from the budget work session.) <br />November 2005 . <br />BOCC reviewed and approved a scope of service for a Fire, Emergency Medical <br />Services (EMS), and Rescue Assessment Plan for Orange County. The scope of <br />service included evaluation of existing and planned fire stations,. EMS facilities, <br />rescue squads; location and adequacy of facilities, including volunteers and <br />equipment,; identification of strategies for improving efficiencies, reducing costs, <br />and overall operational issues in the volunteer fire departrnents (i.e., fire <br />insurance ratings, paperwork, administration), and recommendation of a plan uto <br />meet the needs of the County and its citizens giving consideration to overall cost <br />benefits and best practices". . <br />January 2006 <br />BOCC awarded a contract to The Sage Group in the amount of $25,000. <br />Nlay 2006 <br />The Manager's Recommended Budget for FY06-07 included Reserve Funding in <br />the amount of $100,000 for a Fire and Rescue Study Outcome. <br />June 2006 <br />The Sage Group provided an assessment list of preliminary recommendations to <br />the BOCC in early June 2006. These recommendations were found tacking, <br />falling short of expectations in depth and timing - a sentiment shared by the <br />BOCC, County management, Emergency Services, and Fire Chiefs Council. The <br />adopted budget for FY06-07 included the Reserve Funding in the amount of <br />$100,000. <br />August 2006 <br />The Sage Group submitted a revised working draft report to the County in mid- <br />August 2006. <br />December 2006 - January 2007 <br />The Sage Group submitted a final working draft to the new County Manager in <br />mid-December 2006. The document was circulated among stakeholders for <br />2 <br />