Agenda - 10-06-2009 - 6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-2009
Agenda - 10-06-2009 - 6b
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Last modified
10/2/2009 12:46:44 PM
Creation date
10/2/2009 12:46:42 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091006
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The Town of Carrboro Planning Director indicated via email the town did not have any additional <br />comments on the recommended student generation rates. Staff received comments from <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (Attachment 2) expressing the school board members' <br />support for utilizing the 2007 student generation rates for all SAPFO processes. The Chapel Hill <br />Town Council and the Hillsborough Town Board received the SAPFOTAC's Student Generation <br />Rate recommendation at their respective September 14, 2009 meetings. Planning Staff <br />received email notifications from the towns' Planning Directors informing staff that their <br />respective governing boards did not have any comments on the item. The Chapel Hill staff <br />memorandum provided to the Town Council is included as Attachment 3 to this abstract and the <br />Town of Hillsborough Board of Commissioners Agenda Form is Attachment 4. <br />Attachment 5 is a comparison of the 2001 and 2007 student generation rates and the <br />differences in the expected number of students generated using actual building permit data. <br />Student generation rates do not affect membership projections (which are based on actual <br />enrollment numbers) or class sizes; they affect the CAPS system which is part of the approval <br />system for new development. The CAPS system compares the expected number of students to <br />be generated from a particular development to the available capacity in the school system. If <br />capacity is available for the year in which students are expected to come from a particular <br />development, a CAPS is issued. In the Chapel Hill -Carrboro school system, 100 single family <br />detached houses were expected to generate 39 students under the 2001 student generation <br />rates whereas the updated 2007 rates would expect 60 students from the same number of <br />single family detached houses. <br />If approved, the updated SGR will begin to be used in August 2010 when the 2010-2011 school <br />year begins. The SAPFO MOU requires that the BOCC inform all other parties to the MOU of <br />any changes of this type before February 1St of the year in which such change is intended to <br />become effective. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Precise financial impacts cannot be determined. However, the revised <br />Student Generation Rates will impact the CAPS system and possibly affect development activity <br />in the jurisdictions party to the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO). <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends the Board approve the 2007 <br />Student Generation Rates as determined by TischlerBise and recommended by the SAPFOTAC <br />for use in the SAPFO and CAPS processes. <br />
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