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The advantages to deferring issuance of QSCB financing until next year are: <br />1) The savings in issuance costs and time by doing one QSCB issuance; <br />2) Tax Credit rates may go back up reducing or eliminating the interest cost; and <br />3) Additional lenders may enter the QSCB market making a more competitive environment. <br />• This should reduce supplemental coupon rates. <br />• Banks (i.e. BB&T) may not require bond ratings or official statements. <br />The disadvantages to deferring the issuance of the QSCB financing until next year are: <br />1) The project would be delayed by at least 9 months; <br />2) Construction costs could increase; and <br />3) There is no guarantee that the unused 2009 QSCB authorization awarded to a school <br />district would be rolled forward and added to a 2010 allocation. <br />An idea to be considered for use of the CHCCS QSCB authorization provided in 2010 is to use <br />it as part of the financing for the construction of Elementary #11. The most recent plan <br />presented to the Board for funding Elementary #11 is to issue bonds toward the end of calendar <br />year 2010 or in early 2011 with the initial debt service falling in FY 2011-12. This timeframe will <br />allow a 2010 QSCB financing for Elementary #11 to be linked with the total financing package <br />for Elementary #11. <br />Staff plans to continue to move forward with steps to secure QSCB financing in 2009 for the <br />Carrboro High School Arts Wing project. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact related to this action. However there will be <br />a financial impact as noted above with authorization to proceed with the issuance of bonds. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) Open the public hearing and receive comments from the public; <br />2) Close the public hearing; and <br />3) Offer direction to staff on the issuance of Qualified School Construction Bonds. <br />