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~.' ~ _~ <br />Commissioner Pinney moved that the Board of Commissioners <br />adopt the Manager's recommended budget with additions and reductions <br />as indicated and that $97,000 be taken from the Contingency Fund, <br />$35,000 from the Building Fund, $21,576 be included as additional <br />revenue and $20,000 be included as adjusted revenue and that the <br />budget be adopted with a tax increase of 6~ for a tax rate of <br />84~ per $100 valuation and that the per pupil allocation for the <br />schools be $387 per pupil. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Whitted. <br />Continued discussion ensued. Commissioner Walker spoke <br />against the proposal and stated he would support a 4~ tax increase <br />if $45,000 was cut from legal services, $75,D00 from Municipal <br />Support and $32,000 from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City school's <br />capital outlay. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked far a vote on the motion. <br />Voting aye were Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, Whitted and <br />Willhoit. <br />Voting nay was Commissioner Walker. The motion was declared <br />passed. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that the Beard adopt an increase <br />of 2~ far the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Supplement Tax. <br />The Chairman called for a second to the motion and hearing <br />no second he declared the motion died for a lack of a second. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />[calker, it was moved and adopted to accept the Manager's recommendation <br />regarding the special district tax rate. The recommendation is <br />that all district tax remain the same with the exception of the <br />Dogwood Acres Sanitary District, which should be. reduced from <br />1$~ to 164 per $100 propexty valuation and to increase the dog <br />tax to a flat $4.00 fee. "~ <br />For copy of 1978-79 Budget Ordinance, see page 656 of <br />this book. <br />Mr. Randall Wall, spoke against the action the Berard had <br />taken to increase the tax rate. <br />The meeting was then adjourned. <br />~~~~. __ <br />'~ Richard Whitte , Chairman <br />Agatha J'ohnsvn, Clerk <br />