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transfer station sites and to provide follow-up on other information requested by the BOCC at <br /> the December 11, 2008 meeting. <br /> Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that this was a follow-up to the meeting in <br /> December when the Board selected two sites to be further evaluated for a Transfer Station. <br /> He made reference to a report from 2006, and said that the options contained within the report <br /> are still valid possibilities for waste. He said that a letter was sent out to both property owners, <br /> notifying them of the Board's decision and requesting permission to enter the property and <br /> conduct the evaluations. One of the property owners did not grant permission, and staff <br /> followed up with a 30-day right-of-entry notice. This notice expires on February 6th. The <br /> OWASA Board will be discussing the other property in question tonight. The County has <br /> already obtained a surveyor and an appraiser. The delay in being able to get on one of the <br /> properties will delay the completion of the assessment until April 1st. <br /> Regarding the request for information on what would happen if the transfer station is <br /> not completed when the landfill closes. He said that this report was not complete yet. The <br /> Board also asked the staff to develop a proposal for a Citizen Advisory Group to assist in the <br /> development and advise on the operation of the facility. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the refusal of the property owner. Gayle Wilson <br /> explained that the landowner conditioned permission for the County to enter the property on <br /> the County providing the owner a signed offer to purchase the property. <br /> Bob Sallach from Olver, Inc. said that they have begun the environmental assessments <br /> and the data will be used from GIS. He said that it is important to have access to these sites <br /> and he hopes to have the draft environmental assessments by the end of this month. <br /> Lewis Watts made reference to the report about the Community Advisory Group, which <br /> is incorporated by reference, and he summarized this report. He said that the committee would <br /> be formed to help the County and to help the consultants with the siting of the Transfer Station <br /> and not to revisit site issues and whether the Transfer Station should be built or not. It will take <br /> about two months to put this group in place. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he remembers that, at the December 11th meeting, <br /> both he and Commissioner Jacobs asked the staff for continuing investigation of alternatives <br /> on a parallel track with the Transfer Station development. He made reference to an email from <br /> Commissioner Jacobs about the potential interest in the University in using some of the waste <br /> for energy conversion. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that, even though Commissioner Yuhasz and Commissioner <br /> Jacobs did mention that, the Board did not direct staff to begin working on a parallel action and <br /> if the Board is interested in that, the Board should direct it. The staff will need additional <br /> assistance to do this. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she remembers a motion was made regarding forming <br /> a work group to look at alternatives for the long term such as waste to energy. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the orange sheet that she had made <br /> available to the board, which was a document from Orange County Voice entitled, Preliminary <br /> Analysis of Alternatives and Costs for Orange County's Solid Waste Management Operation. <br /> Chair Foushee said that the Board would not complete the agenda tonight. The Board <br /> agreed to defer items 6-c, 6-d, and 6-e. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />