Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> exercise the Option to Purchase Units 200 and 300 at the Gateway Center; direct staff and the <br /> County Attorney to develop the necessary documents to move forward with closing the <br /> purchase; and authorize the County Attorney, the Financial Services Director, and the Chair to <br /> execute documents as may be needed to effect the closing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. Recommendation for Deviations from the Proposed 2008-2009 Secondary <br /> Road Construction Program for Orange County <br /> The Board held a public hearing to receive comment on proposed deviations from the <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation's Proposed 2008-2009 Secondary Roads <br /> Construction Program for two roads, Ben Wilson Road and Jimmy Ed Road. <br /> Transportation Planner Karen Lincoln introduced this item. She said that, as a result of <br /> comments received at a public hearing held last May on the Secondary Road Construction <br /> Program, the Board of County Commissioners deferred the recommendation for these two <br /> roads until NCDOT met with communities. NCDOT met with residents of Ben Wilson Road on <br /> June 24th and there was a consensus to pave the north third of the road. NCDOT met with <br /> residents of Jimmy Ed Road on June 23rd and August 41h and came to a consensus to pave the <br /> road along the frontage of Lattisville Grove Baptist Church, which is the major traffic generator <br /> on the road. The deviations from the secondary program would be to pave portions of the road <br /> or none of the roads. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz verified that if a portion of a road is not paved, it will go on a <br /> hold list. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Tara Nichols was from Nichols and Satterfield PLLC, which represents Lattisville Grove <br /> Missionary Baptist Church. This church is located on Jimmy Ed Road. She spoke about the <br /> Petition in Support of Paving SR 1514 Jimmy Ed Road. The church supports the paving of the <br /> entire road. She said that more than 75% of the residents on the road are in support of paving <br /> the entire road. The petition had 538 signatures. She said that the church also serves a <br /> resource center and it provides community services and recreational facilities for those in that <br /> community. She said that there is nothing else in this area that provides these services. She <br /> said that if there are any administrative costs associated with paving the road, the church is <br /> willing to work with the State to provide these funds. She gave copies of the petition to the <br /> Clerk. <br /> Rev. George Crews, Pastor of Lattisville Grove Missionary Baptist Church, expressed <br /> his support of paving Jimmy Ed Road in its entirety. He said that NCDOT has recommended <br /> that the entire road be paved. He listed the services that are provided in this area from senior <br /> programs to recreational programs. He said that gravel was not effective in slowing people <br /> down. He said that dirt roads invite unwanted traffic to the community such as hunters that are <br /> not allowed to hunt in and around highly populated areas. He said that paving this road would <br /> increase the safety for all residents. <br /> Savannah Lewis was representing Winstead Grove LLC. She said that everyone in <br /> Winstead Grove was in favor of paving Jimmy Ed Road. <br /> Sara Shields is a resident of Jimmy Ed Road, and she read a letter to the County <br /> Commissioners from August 26, 2008. She was asked to read this by residents that live on <br /> Jimmy Ed Road. <br />