RES-2009-045 Amendment Resolution Establishing Rules & Regulations for Opertion of Sewer Collection System to Serve Efland Area of Orange Co
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2009-045 Amendment Resolution Establishing Rules & Regulations for Opertion of Sewer Collection System to Serve Efland Area of Orange Co
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Last modified
5/13/2011 9:25:36 AM
Creation date
9/25/2009 12:04:11 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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7 <br />C. $: Each deposit may be redeemed by the user upon disconnection from the system <br />and upon payment in full of all chazges for service. <br />VI. INITIAL OR IVDNIl~IUM CHARGE <br />A. There will be a separate account established for each sewer connection to the <br />system. Each such account will be in the name of the user. The minimum monthly <br />charge as provided in the rate schedule will be made for each account for any <br />monthly usage up to the minimum 3,000 gallons. <br />B. In those cases where the connection is to property which receives its water by well, <br />the minimum monthly charge will be that established in the rate schedule unless <br />water consumption exceeds the minimum contained in the rate schedule. The <br />County reserves the right to meter the well of any user to determine that user's <br />water usage. <br />C. In those cases where the connection is to property which is in a residential <br />development which has received substantial funding from Orange County as an <br />affordable housing~roiect consistent with the Orange County Long~LTerm <br />Affordability Policy there will be a monthl~harge established in the rate schedule <br />for a fund for the perpetual inspection and maintenance of an~nump station serving <br />the development. <br />VII. COUNTY'S RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY <br />A. The County will run a service line from its collection line to the property line, <br />except as provided in Article IX, relating to extensions of the system. <br />B. All plumbing installed by the user for connection to the system will be installed <br />according to the North Carolina State Plumbing Code and will be ,permitted, <br />inspected and approved by the Orange County_ <br />C. The County is not liable for damage of any kind resulting from sewage or its <br />collection from the user's premises, unless such damage results directly from <br />negligence on the part of the County. The County is not responsible for any <br />damage done or resulting from any defect or operation failure in the plumbing <br />installed by the user, or in any fixtures or appliances on the user's premises. The <br />County is not responsible for negligence of third persons in the installation or <br />operation of the System. The County is not responsible for damage caused by <br />forces beyond its control or for the interruption of service caused by forces beyond <br />its control. <br />D. Except in the case of an emergency, the user will be notified in advance of any <br />anticipated interruption of service. In the case of an emergency the user will be <br />notified as soon thereafter as possible of the interruption of service. <br />VIII. USER'S RESPONSIBILITY <br />A. The user is responsible for payment of all monthly service charges incurred in <br />connection with sewer service. The owner of the premises to which services are <br />delivered is responsible for all char eg s as_provided for in the Sewer Easement and <br />Agreement. If a delinquent user is not the owner of the premises to which services <br />are delivered the payment of the delinquent account will not be required before <br />providing services to the premises at the request of a new and different tenant or <br />occupant of the premises except as~rovided in Article IV.3. of the Rules. <br />4 <br />
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