Minutes - 19780613
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19780613
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E,:~ •i <br />Carl Markuson, Director of Maintenance in the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro school system, stated in comparing Orange County's <br />tastes with outer counties and states, one must "compare apples <br />with apples and oranges with oranges". He spoke of the need <br />foz additional Funding for proper maintenance of equipment within <br />the school systems. He added that the systems have inadequate <br />maintenance equipment and an inadequate number of maintenance <br />workers and the Couny would pay more in the long run for <br />maintenance because of th is. <br />Oscar Compton, Chairman of the Orange County school system, <br />stated he was bothered by the difference in capital outlay proposed <br />for the Chapel Hill-Garrboro system and that proposed for the <br />County system and that about $100,000 more is budgeted for Chapel <br />Hill than for the County. He stated it seemed that the County <br />always received less. He also spoke of the need to enlargE the . <br />Orange High cafeteria, to expand the media center at Stanback and <br />to equip playgrounds at other schools. Mr. Compton stated the <br />budget prepared by his Hoard was a realistic one and that <br />the needs of the County are greater than those of the Chapel Hi1,1 <br />system. He asked that Hoard to reconsider the capital outlay <br />appropriation, especially the cafeteria and the media center <br />proposed for Stanback Elementary. <br />~7erry Robinson, Orange County Health Director, was recognized. <br />Nor. Robinson presented to those present a comparison of Orange <br />County Health Department as it ranked with ten other counties of <br />equal population. He informed those present that Orange County <br />ranked 9th out of 10 counties. He stated that he sees a lot of <br />problems in health which need to be corrected and that he inherited <br />a situation where standards were low and must work to overcome <br />the many gaps in health services. He spoke of the environmental <br />health program and stated the County was now suffering the <br />consequences of problems caused by poor developing years ago. He <br />stated that people should not be expected to live under these <br />situations.and that the answer is not to attack after the situatior <br />becomes a problem. - :,~ <br />Mr. Robinson stated that upon his arrival in Orange County, <br />he was shocked at the fact that Orange County provides so little <br />for its children i.n the was* of school health. Teachers do not have <br />access to trained medical personnel. He added that some of the <br />situations and related problems found in the schoels are staggering. <br />He is working the~two system's superintendents to correct <br />same problems; however, little can be done without proper funding. <br />He stated he hoped that Hoard would decide to provide an adequate <br />level of preventative. health care for the citizens of the County. <br />Edwin Ca7.dwe11, a member of the Chapel Hill-Garrboro <br />school board, was recognized by the Chairman. He spoke of the <br />different methods in using capital outlay funds by the Chapel <br />Hill system. He stated that Chapel Hill system has been building <br />schools for a long time and developed a philosophy of re- <br />evaluating their old schools periodically and attempted to bring <br />them up to date as new schools are constructed. Nor. Caldwell spoke <br />of the mandated laws which are being `en acted by Federal and state <br />governments but with no funding. He said that taxpayers should <br />be complaining to their legislators in Taashington and Raleigh in- <br />stead of local governments. He added the County should look at <br />a needs assessment possibility and do some long range planning <br />to see how it is going to pay to correct various situations. <br />Mazgaret Land,.a ~haxpayer and mother 3f ch~:ldfen who attend <br />Chapel Hill schools, stated that she supported the proposed tax <br />increase. She cautioned the Board against being afraid of the <br />Proposition 13 issue. She stated that recreation and health in <br />Orange County has been neglected and underfunded for years and <br />the proposed increases are necessary. She stated there are no <br />handouts. They are only called handouts when it is given to the <br />poor, the elderly or the handicapped. These people are also en- <br />titled to the same benefits that the middle class and upper class <br />people receive. <br />
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