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2 <br />equipment for use in training and webinars; and purchase hearing-impaired assistive <br />devices for use in public shelters and mass vaccination clinics. <br />• Social Marketing Mini-Grant -receipt of $3,000 ftom the Central North Carolina <br />Partnership for Public Health to design and implement a social marketing campaign in <br />FY 2009-10. The purpose of this grant is to increase a local health department's <br />ability to use principles of social marketing to address health disparities prevalent in <br />the community. The department plans to implement a diabetes prevention campaign <br />called "Request Your Test," which will address the issue of Type 2 diabetes among <br />African American adults living in Orange County. The goal is to increase high-risk <br />African American residents' awareness about pre-diabetes screening and prevention. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds for the above stated <br />programs. (See Attachment 1, column #7) <br />2. Refer to separate Action Agenda Item on tonight's agenda regarding Diabetes Self- <br />Management Program Grant. The Health Department has also received $1,000 from the <br />North Carolina Public Health Foundation for use in this program. This budget <br />amendment provides for the receipt of these funds. (See Attachment 7, column #2 and <br />Attachment 3, Diabetes Education Program Grant Project Ordinance) <br />3. Refer to separate Action Agenda Item on tonight's agenda regarding additional Seasonal <br />Influenza Vaccination funds. (See Attachment 1, column #3) <br />Sheriff Department <br />4. The Orange County Sheriffs Department has received notification of a FY 2009 <br />Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program award from the U.S. Department <br />of Justice totaling $197,785 as authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment <br />Act of 2009. This grant award is a joint venture between Orange County, and the Towns <br />of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough to support a broad range of activities to <br />prevent and control crime. For reporting purposes to the grantor, Orange County will <br />serve as the fiscal agent, and the towns will provide the Sheriffs Department with copies <br />of all invoices for their portion of the grant. Orange County plans to use its portion <br />($52,191) to purchase video cameras and radar systems for patrol vehicles and cover <br />overtime costs incurred by increasing the number of community policing patrol hours. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these grant funds for the above <br />stated purposes. (See Attachment 7, column #4 and Attachment 4, 2009 Recovery Act <br />JAG Program Grant Project Ordinance) <br />County Capital Project Ordinances <br />5. At its June 2, 2009 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners authorized a total of $1 <br />million debt financing for replacement of the County telephone system ($575,000), <br />renovations at the Link Center ($425,000) and approved a Reimbursement Resolution to <br />allow for the necessary flexibility in the timing of the financing. This budget amendment <br />provides for the approval of both the County Telephone System Replacement and the <br />Link Center Renovations Capital Project Ordinances to include the $1 million in debt <br />financing for these projects. Staff discussed the possibility of seeking temporary taxable <br />financing in the fall if needed to provide cash flow. Staff prefers to forgo the temporary <br />financing and will monitor cash flow closely. If needed the temporary financing will be <br />issued by mid October and will be replaced by issuing permanent financing in the spring <br />or early summer. If it appears that the temporary financing will be necessary, staff will <br />