ORD-2009-132 - Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget Amendment #1
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-132 - Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget Amendment #1
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Last modified
9/23/2009 9:22:38 AM
Creation date
9/23/2009 9:22:36 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090818
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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oR D - aooq - 13 ~F- <br />Attachment 4 <br />FY 2009 Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program <br />Grant Project Ordinance <br />Be it ordained by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 of <br />Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project is hereby adopted. <br />Section 1. The project authorized is the FY 2009 Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) <br />Program as awarded to the Orange Gounty Sheriff Department by the U.S. Department <br />of Justice. This grant award is a joint venture between Orange County, and the Towns <br />of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and. Hillsborough to support a broad range of activities to <br />prevent and control crime. Orange County will serve as the fiscal agent for the grant, <br />and the towns will provide the County with copies of invoices for reimbursement for <br />their portions of the grant. <br />Section 2. The officers of the County are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within <br />the grant document and the budget contained herein. <br />Section 3. The following revenue is anticipated to be available to complete this project: <br />Recovery Act TAG Program (09-1 D) $197, 785 <br />Total $197, 785 <br />Section 4. There is no required County match for this grant. <br />Section 5. The following amount is appropriated for this project: <br />Recovery Act JAG Program $197, 78S <br />Section 6. The finance officer is hereby directed to maintain within the grant project specific detailed <br />accounting records to provide the accounting to the grantor agency required by the grant <br />agreement and federal and state regulations. <br />Section 7. Copies of this grant project ordinance shall be made available to the finance officer for <br />direction in carrying out this project. <br />Section 8. No full-time equivalent County positions are related to this grant project <br />ordinance. <br />Section 9. This ordinance supersedes all previous "FY 2009 Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant <br />(JAG) Program" Grant Project Ordinances. <br />Section 10. This project ordinance is in effect until February 28, 2013. <br />ii <br />Adopted this 18th day of August 2009. <br />
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