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V ..ry ~ <br />Additional amount recited by the Finance Officer are: <br />$185.00 regarding an erroneous suit, $220.00 for transporting <br />mental patients, $317.50 regarding Orange Lake, $187.50 - Health <br />Department, $240.00 - Board of Adjustment, $387.00 - the St. <br />DuBose tax matter, $162.50 - Register of Deeds, and $415.00 for the <br />unified tax proposal. <br />The Finance Officer stated that after all adjustment had been <br />made in these figures, he would estimate the total county cost for <br />legal services amounted to somewhere in the range of $56,400. <br />Mr. Walker stated he was quite satisfied with these figures. <br />Item 6: The Managex recommends a contract between Orange County <br />and Coleman, Bernholz and Dickerson for legal services to the <br />Social Services Departmept be renewed. <br />The County Attorney stated that this contract extends the <br />present contract through June 30, 1978 and recontract under the <br />same terms through June 30, 1979. The contract has a provision <br />which has an automatic extension year to year with either party <br />having the tight with 30 days notice to the other to terminate. <br />Gommissioner Gustaveson moved and Commissioner Pinney seconded <br />that the contract be approved as submitted. <br />Commissioner Walker reminded the Board of his request that <br />the contract not be extended beyond this fiscal year until after <br />the budget hearing. <br />Chairman Whitted asked Commissioner Gustaveson to agree to <br />a friendly amendment to extend the contract from July 1, 1977 through <br />June 30, 1978. Mr. Gustaveson agreed to this friendly amendment. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion and all members <br />of the Board voted aye- The motion was declared passed=~ <br />(For copy of Contract, see page 607 of this book.) <br />Item 7: The Manager recommends the Board approve a grant <br />application to the North Carolina Humanities Committee by the <br />Women's Commission for funds to conduct a series of workshops. <br />Nancy Parks, Coordinator for the Commission for Women, stated <br />that no County monies would be requited for this proposal. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it Baas moved and adopted to approve the grant application <br />to the North Carolina Humanities Committee by the Women's Commission. <br />Item 9: The Board should set a date for the budget hearing. <br />The Berard scheduled Tuesday, June 13, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. as the <br />date of the budget public hearing. 'The meeting .will be held in <br />the Superior Court Room. Other meetings scheduled as budget <br />work sessions are Wednesday, June 7, 1978; Thursday, June 8, 1978; <br />Monday, June 12, 1978; Tuesday, June 13, 1978 public hearing; <br />Tuesday, June 20, 1978 regular meeting and work session, June 22, <br />1978 work session and June 26, 1978 regular fourth Monday meeting, <br />and the date to adopt the budget. All meetings are scheduled to <br />start at 7:30 p.m. The County Manager will schedule agencies to <br />appear at the budget sessions. <br />The Board adjourned for lunch, <br />Item 11: The Manager recommends the Board approve a description <br />and map of the west Orange Fire District. This approval is needed <br />for the Fire District to complete rating requirements for insurance. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted that the description and map <br />of .tY}e ~1eSt Orange Fire District be approved. <br />