Orange County NC Website
P-15 3 Complete stewardship and management plans for Lands Legacy. (Goal 5) <br /> P-16 2 Develop an accounting and assessment system of water and air pollution (Goal 5): <br /> a. In conjunction with ICLEI; set emissions reduction target for 2030; conduct public <br /> education campaign and link public with opportunities to improve energy efficiency <br /> and use sustainable energy sources <br /> b. Begin multi-year implementation of Observable Well Network <br /> P-17 2 Review the Schools and Adequate Facilities Public Funding Ordinance. (Goal 6) <br /> a. Is it doing what it was originally intended? <br /> b. Does it have application for Durham and Mebane? <br /> P-18 1 Address inequities between old and new schools. Older schools are in need of capital <br /> improvements. Building new schools has been the funding priority (Goal 6) <br /> P-19 0 Relations with UNC-Chapel Hill: Be actively involved and informed about UNC-CH <br /> decisions and intentions (Goal 2) <br /> P-20 0 Support transit, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities and other alternatives to the single <br /> passenger automobile (Goal 3) <br /> P-21 0 Amend county zoning to address and modernize airport and related issues (Goal 3) <br /> P-22 0 Review and update county personnel and operational policies and procedures. (Goal <br /> 4) <br /> P-23 0 Design and fund space for county attorney offices. Manager and board to discuss <br /> concept and staffing. (Goal 4) <br /> P-24 0 Plan to acquire/land bank for future park development. (Goal 5) <br /> P-25 0 Develop a policy/update current plan about how parks will be developed, appropriate <br /> ratio of parks to population, length of time to develop, and incorporation of such into <br /> CIP. (Goal 5) <br /> P-26 0 Clarify and communicate to public how and why county funding is allocated the way it <br /> is. (Goal 2) <br /> 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 4 Hemminger to approve the priorities, with the associated goals, as amended above. <br /> 5 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Chair Foushee said that this needs to be brought back on a regular agenda. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 3. Closed Session <br /> 10 A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> 11 to go into closed session at 8:48 PM for the purpose of: "To consult with an Attorney retained <br /> 12 by the Board in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the <br /> 13 Board," NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(3). <br /> 14 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 15 <br />