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where they are now, future alternatives- four they have been doing and four they can do now <br /> with no associated costs, the pros and cons of each alternatives and acknowledgement of <br /> barriers, and a possible partnership with UNC. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that it will be hard to predict how all of this will unfold in the <br /> next two years. He said that the southwest library is another change coming down the pike. <br /> Lucinda Munger said that the Open Source Integrated Library System is another area they <br /> would like to work on with Chapel Hill. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the next steps at the Assembly of Governments <br /> meeting. Frank Clifton said that it would be up to the elected boards. He said that the speed <br /> is not as important as actually moving forward and taking steps toward collaboration. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the Board of County Commissioners needs to show <br /> some leadership on this issue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to know if we have some questions we <br /> would like to have answered at that meeting. She said that some of the things that need to be <br /> discussed are equitable library services, the interests of all parties, interoperability, and <br /> collaboration. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the two Managers discussed the idea of trying to come up with a <br /> formula that would be a reasonable approach. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about State money and if Chapel Hill would still get it if it <br /> were part of Orange County's library system. Frank Clifton said that this was discussed and <br /> the amount that Chapel Hill gets now would not change significantly. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that Carrboro is also at the table and Carrboro is expecting <br /> Orange County to provide it a library. He said that there has never been a satisfactory <br /> understanding of what that means in terms of participation. He said that equalizing is a nice <br /> goal but he does not want everyone thinking that Orange County will contribute more in order <br /> to be "equal." He said that the Board could look at assisting Chapel Hill with its debt for the <br /> new expansion, or take the money and build a library on the border of Orange County and <br /> Carrboro. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she does not see equalized funding as an expectation <br /> and she does not want to presume anything. She said that she is unclear how this Assembly <br /> of Governments meeting will proceed with people's expectations. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the intention is for staff to talk about options and then let the <br /> Chair and Mayors meet to talk about this before the AOG meeting. There are potential areas <br /> for the towns to work on. Some of the questions could be about the building of the southwest <br /> library. <br /> Chair Foushee said that the plan for presentation should show that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners is committed to moving forward to make library services in Orange County to <br /> be the best they can be. She said that there should be a placeholder in their CIP for the <br /> southwest library, which shows Orange County's commitment. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the Board should start by acknowledging that the towns <br /> are right that the County should increase its contributions. The Board should lay out the <br /> project funding in the County's CIP for them and state a proposed formula for future funding. <br /> He would like to then come back in about 12 months to look at the other steps in the options <br /> list. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would like to know how the $250,000 contribution <br /> for the Chapel Hill Public Library compares to the operating budget when it was adopted and <br /> what it is now. He also wants to know how much of the Orange County library budget is being <br /> given to the Chapel Hill Library. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that with respect to the Chapel Hill Library, it is important to <br /> see what the overall county operational budget was 20 years ago and what the overall library <br />