Minutes - 20090820
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20090820
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Last modified
3/15/2016 8:53:25 AM
Creation date
9/17/2009 11:18:21 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 08-20-2009
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Internet in public libraries and how to meet this goal. The survey was conducted in North <br /> Carolina in late November and early December. The results of the survey will be released later <br /> in 2009 and will assist the State Library in planning for possible solutions. <br /> Priorities 2, 3 & 4 are part of a desire to address the need for a statewide virtual catalog that <br /> would provide reciprocal borrowing, statewide materials delivery, and resource sharing. The <br /> State Library is developing a task force to work on the plan to take the idea of a statewide <br /> catalog that will give North Carolinians "what they want, when and where they want it" and <br /> have it grow into a reality by the end of 2011. <br /> A follow-up summit on the statewide broadband access and resource sharing will take place <br /> on August 12th at the 2009 NCPLA Summer Conference. At the August 20th work session, she <br /> said that she will be more than happy to update the BOCC on the meeting and share how <br /> these two projects will impact library service in Orange County. <br /> OCPL/CHPL Collaboration Project: <br /> Orange County Library staff and Chapel Hill Library staff met in May 2009 to begin discussions <br /> on possible collaboration alternatives between the two systems. A preliminary report <br /> summarizing initial alternatives for enhanced coordination of efforts is attached. However, due <br /> to several scheduling conflicts, the Orange County Public Library and Chapel Hill Public Library <br /> staffs have been unable to meet for further discussions since that time. <br /> On August 19th there was a meeting between County and Town Managers and appropriate <br /> county and library staff, to review the library services alternatives, assess their impact and <br /> prioritize. The purpose of the meeting was to flesh out the alternatives that the Board was <br /> given in June, the 12 alternatives. At the end of the meeting, future steps were decided, which <br /> would include continuing to work together to do a draft of a presentation that will be brought <br /> before the governing bodies on September 241h <br /> Frank Clifton said that at the Cedar Grove Library, staff is going to look into adding a <br /> door in adjacent rooms so library staff could monitor the usage of the rooms with minimal staff. <br /> Frank Clifton said that Chapel Hill Library is looking for more participation from Orange <br /> County financially. He said that the librarians were going to work together on issues that did <br /> not have financial implications for now. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the year before last, there was funding for more <br /> interoperability between the Orange County and Chapel Hill library systems. Lucinda Munger <br /> said that Orange County provides a courier system and the hope is that this will increase from <br /> one day to 3-4 days a week. She said that interoperability would bridge the County's Polaris <br /> system with Chapel Hill's system. She would hope that at some time in the near future, <br /> citizens could have one library card. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked about the $20,000 Technology grant and verified that it <br /> does not include Chapel Hill. He said that it strikes him that they are talking about <br /> collaborating better and that it might be a good idea to have a three-year technology plan that <br /> includes Chapel Hill. He suggested asking Chapel Hill to chip in funds to be a part of this. <br /> Commissioner Nelson asked Lucinda Munger how she was envisioning this <br /> presentation in September. Lucinda Munger listed what would be presented - how the libraries <br /> collect data, overview of the libraries, the facilities available in Orange County and what they <br /> can offer, a summary of past library task forces' recommendations, a snapshot of how they got <br />
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