Orange County NC Website
- Please understand that our community is disappointed and angry— and does not <br /> understand why this is happening. Here's some comments that have been <br /> provided with signatures (he read some quotes from the e-petition) <br /> - There has been no formal hearing about Bradshaw Quarry— and the board has not <br /> heard from our citizens —who will bear this burden which we believe is <br /> disproportionate and unfair. <br /> - Please work with us —vote tonight to keep Bradshaw Quarry open. <br /> Linwood Futtrelle read the following prepared statement: <br /> Thank you for allowing us to bring to your attention our feelings about the closing of the Bradshaw <br /> Quarry Convenience Center. <br /> I am Linwood Futrelle, and I serve as President of the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Company. I am <br /> concerned about the potential impact this closing could have in our community to Public Safety. Prior to <br /> having the convenience center most folks out here burned their trash, and what was not burned, was <br /> dumped in the woods. I feel many people will resume this activity because of the distance and time <br /> required to haul the garbage so far out of the community. The Convenience Center has largely <br /> eliminated this practice, because it is so easy to stop by and drop off trash. If folks resume burning, <br /> there is the possibility of grass and woods fires, some of which will inevitably burn structures; it is our <br /> feeling these incidents will increase. <br /> Additional I feel that folks will use our mostly rural roads to dump appliance and furniture, more than <br /> they do already—just last week someone dumped a mattress set on Bradshaw Quarry. <br /> Our community has always been willing to pitch in and help out, when the Pop Warner Football league <br /> could not secure committed playing fields from any of the Rec departments, the Cane Creek Baptist <br /> Church offered their big field and made it available to them basically for free, <br /> So we think there are ways to keep the Bradshaw Quarry Convenience Center open and not impose <br /> such a large burden upon our community. If you look carefully you will see that this corner of the county <br /> receives the fewest services of about anywhere in this county. <br /> Let's make this cost cutting more equitable, We ask you to please reconsider this proposal and see if a <br /> better solution can be worked out, <br /> We are not unreasonable, but feel a three day schedule could meet our needs, and not the burden of <br /> asking residents to spend extra dollars and time to deal with our trash. If that's not enough, eliminate <br /> non-essential, infrequently used services like appliance and mattress disposal. In addition, you can <br /> allow residents to opt out of curbside recycling—which is useless to someone who has to dump their <br /> own trash. <br /> Please direct your staff to restudy and reconsider and bring to you ASAP new ideas on how to save the <br /> needed money to meet your budget constraints. <br /> We will be happy to help, offer ideas and work towards producing a better solution that leaving us with <br /> no alternatives but long trash hauls, <br /> Thank you, <br /> Submitted by Linwood Futrelle — 3818 Teer Road Chapel Hill <br /> Ed Johnson agreed with what the previous two speakers said. He said that he wrote <br /> two questions to the County Commissioners in an email. He asked if the Board was working <br /> on the assumption that the closing of the Bradshaw Quarry site is permanent or temporary. He <br /> said that the response that he received from a member of the Board said that he was <br /> assuming that it was a temporary measure and that it would be reopened when the economy <br /> got better. He asked for a show of hands from the County Commissioners about this question. <br />