Orange County NC Website
The Board considered approving the acceptance of $4,576 from the Friends of the <br /> Robert and Pearl Seymour Center to maintain the current evening service hours as existed in <br /> the FY 2008-09 by employing non-permanent staff. <br /> Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that the Friends want to give money <br /> to the County to increase the hours at the Seymour Center. In the budget, the County has cut <br /> two evenings a week. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked if all citizens would be able to attend these other two <br /> evenings and Jerry Passmore said yes. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he will vote for this, but he is concerned about some of <br /> this. On one hand, the County is not going to turn down money, but on the other hand, there <br /> could be a situation where more affluent parts of the County get more or better services <br /> because they have more money. <br /> Jerry Passmore said that the Seymour Center is larger and it has a larger service area <br /> and that it serves 2/3 of the senior population in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she agrees with Commissioner Nelson, but she feels <br /> comfortable with this because it is keeping services that were already there and were going to <br /> be cut. If it were going to increase services, then she would not be voting for it. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that in a tight budget year these funds are appreciated. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs strongly supports Commissioner Nelson's comments. He said <br /> that there should be a policy about usage of this facility. He wants all County facilities to be <br /> open to all citizens. He wants to develop a facility use plan that states this. <br /> Chair Foushee agreed with all of that, and particularly what Commissioner Jacobs said. <br /> She said that there is an expectation that the County will absorb what has already been paid. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> accept the funds from the Friends of the Robert and Pearl Seymour Center to employ a non- <br /> permanent employee to maintain the Monday and Wednesday evening service hours at the <br /> Seymour Center and amend the Department on Aging budget with a $4,576 increase in the <br /> senior center operations account for this year only. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br /> instruct staff to develop a policy on non-exclusive usage of both senior centers so that they are <br /> available to all members of the public and including when receiving funds from a non-County <br /> entity for the purpose of extending the function of a County facility. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Divestiture of County Properties <br /> The Board considered setting minimum bid amounts for properties subject to divestiture <br /> and approving the Resolution Authorizing the Sealed Bid Sale. <br /> Pam Jones said that on April 71h the Board of County Commissioners declared four <br /> properties for divesting: <br /> - Clerk of Court Annex, 112 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough <br /> - Graham Building, 118 N. Churton Street, Hillsborough <br /> - Homestead Community Center, Chapel Hill <br /> - Highway 49 old ABC store, Cedar Grove <br /> The appraisals were finished over the summer break, and the appraised amounts are <br /> the recommended amounts for the minimum bids. The minimum bids are as follows: <br /> - Clerk of Court Annex- $450,000 <br />