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7 <br />(8) If the water level of University Lake declines to a stage VI level above mean sea <br />level, in feet, a stage VI water shortage crisis shall be deemed in effect. If the water level <br />of Lake Orange declines to a stage VI elevation of water below Lake Orange spillway, in <br />feet, a stage VI water shortage crisis shall be deemed in effect; and a system of water <br />rationing shall be put in effect in addition to all previously imposed restricfions. In the <br />event of water rationing in which water will be supplied in the m;n;mal quantities <br />required for the health, welfare and safety of the citizens in accordance with a program <br />determined by the county: <br />a. It shall be unlawful to fail to act in accordance with such rationing or use water in any <br />manner or attempt to evade or avoid such water rationing restrictions. <br />b. Fire protection will be maintained, but where possible tank trucks shall use raw water. <br />(Ord. of 7-10-1986, art. 3, eff. 7-10-1986) <br />Sec.36-34. Penalties. <br />Any violation of the provisions of this article shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable <br />upon conviction in accordance with section 1-7, as provided by G.S. 14-4. Any such <br />violation maybe enjoined, restrained or abated as provided by G.S. 153A-123(d) and <br />153A-123(e). <br />(Ord. of 7-10-1986, art. 4, eff. 7-10-1986) <br />Secs. 36-35--36-60. Reserved. <br />DIVISION 2. YEAR ROUND CONSERVATION OF WATER AND FOR <br />TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS DURING WATER SHORTAGES AND <br />EMERGENCIES RELATED TO ALL ORANGE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY <br />CUSTOMERS LOCATED <br />IN THE UNINCORPORATED PART OF ORANGE COUNTY* <br />*Editor's note: Ord. of 6-26-2003, § VIII, repealed the former Div. 2, §§ 36-61--36-69, <br />and enacted a new Div. 2 as set out herein. The former Div. 2 pertained to similar subject <br />matter and derived from Ord. of June 4, 2002(2), § § I--VIII, X. <br />Sec.36-61. Purpose. <br />The purpose of this division is to: <br />(1) Reduce the rate of increase in overall water use through year-round water <br />conservation practices that will help maximize the community's existing and planned <br />water supply sources and help reduce seasonal peak day demands that result in the need. <br />for costly expansion of water treatment, storage, and transmission facilities. Such year- <br />round practices shall include: <br />a. Reducing indoor water waste by encouraging the installation and maintenance of <br />ultra-low flow toilets, faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads and similar devices, as well <br />as other creative and commonsense indoor conservation practices. <br />b. Reducing irrigation and irrigation-related water waste without sacrificing landscape <br />quality through the cultivation of lower water use plants; improved landscape design and <br />