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<br />Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to page 26 and the Transfer to Orange High <br />Track and Football Field Project and said that he cannot find the other side of it that would <br />correspond to the transfers. Donna Coffey said that this was done prior to the current year, and <br />that is how project ordinances are set out. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that it would be helpful if the project ordinances were <br />somehow identified so that when they are referenced in another project ordinance that there be <br />some code so that they could be tracked. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that page 27 includes the CIP that was approved several <br />weeks ago with the understanding that the specific items approved through this budget item <br />would be held until the Board had an opportunity to consider the budget. The Board has not <br />considered the budget yet. He said that this seems premature. Donna Coffey said that this was <br />not her understanding at the May 5th meeting. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that his understanding was that the Board was approving <br />page 27 in principle and then would finalize it when it approved the budget. He understood that <br />the amounts were more placeholders and less than decisions. <br />Donna Coffey said that these could be amended at anytime. Laura Blackmon said that <br />some of these will come back in the context of bids or contracts. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that some of these amounts are presented differently than <br />last time. She said that the Board needs consistent information. <br />Donna Coffey said that last year the Board of County Commissioners approved project <br />ordinances on May 1 St and adjustments were made during the budget process. <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out the first page with the Project Authorized for April <br />2009 Debt Issuance. She asked why there was a discrepancy between the first page and page <br />27 for Office and Library. Donna Coffey said that a project ordinance amendment was done <br />after the CIP was issued. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that, to her, bringing back the Capital Project Ordinance is to <br />reaffirm the CIP and not change it. She asked if there would be more changes if this is brought <br />back. <br />Donna Coffey said that if the Board approves this and then wants to amend it, then she <br />will bring it back reflecting the changes. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to approve County and School Capital Project Ordinances as shown in the abstract. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked to amend the motion to make it clear that it does not <br />include the Lands Legacy project, Millhouse Road project, or the Twin Creeks project but that <br />these items will be brought forward as soon as possible. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />5. Public Hearings <br />a. Zoning Ordinance Amendment Establishing Regulations for Drive-thru <br />Facilities ORD-ZOOS-018 DISAPPROVED <br />The Board received the Planning Board recommendation and considered taking action <br />on a staff initiated Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Article Six (6) Application of <br />Dimensional Requirements to establish regulations governing the development of drive-thru <br />facilities with the County. <br />Orange County Planning Director Craig Benedict made a PowerPoint presentation. <br />AGENDA ITEM: 5-A <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />