Orange County NC Website
MINUTES '~~ <br />`.1 J'J <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIS52ONERS <br />APRIL 18, 1978 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on <br />Tuesday, April 18, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Commissioners' Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough. <br />Members present were Chairman Richard Whitted, Commissioners Norman <br />Gustaveson, Jan Pinney, Norman Walker, and Donald Willhait. <br />Other present were 5. M. Gattis, County Manager, Neal Evans, Finance <br />Director, Geoffrey Gledhill, County Attorney, Joe Bradshaw, Administrative <br />Assistant, Hal Minis, Acting Planning Director, and Agatha Johnson, Clerk. <br />The Chairman referred to Item 1, and asked if any member of the Board <br />desired to add additional items to the agenda. <br />w <br />Items added were: Discussion of the CETA Re-enactment, and discussion <br />of an amendment to House Bill 8494, Lobby Disclosure Bill. <br />The Chairman asked if there were persons present who wished to address <br />the Board regarding a matter not on the printed agenda. <br />William Compton of the Holly Hill Subdivision in Bingham Township <br />requested permission to address the Board regarding a road matter. <br />The Board asked Mr. Compton to present his road matter at this time. <br />Mr. Compton inquired about the possibility of the County helping <br />residents of non-state maintained roads bring their roads up to State <br />standards in order that the State will then take the roads over. Mr. <br />Compton suggested that the Board accomplish this by assessing the pro- <br />perty owners along the road for their portion of cost to improve the <br />road through an owner participation program. <br />The County Manager informed the Board that the Department of Trans- <br />portation has no funds for such a. program, that the cost would be solely <br />that of the property owner. <br />The County Attorney explained to the Board that he felt they could <br />provide such a program to property owners if they so desired, however, he <br />suggested a commitment be received prior to such action from the bepartment <br />of Transportation. <br />The consensus of the Board was that Mr. Compton attempt to gather <br />additional information from the Department of Transportation and that the <br />County Manager add this subdivision road to the owner participation pro- <br />. gram list for improvement. <br />Item 2: Minutes of the April 3, 1978 meeting <br />Commissioner Pinney asked that a certain portion of the April 3rd <br />minutes be stricken from the record, and then upon motion of Commissioner <br />Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, the April 3, 1978 minutes <br />were approved.' <br />• Item 3: The Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board is requesting a transfer <br />of funds from Current Expense to Capital Outlay under provisions of <br />G. .S. 115-100.13. <br />Chairman Whitted recognized Dr. Robert Hanes, Superintendent of the <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools and Mr. Markuson, Director of Business Services. <br />with the School System. <br />The County Attorney advised the Board that a certified copy of a <br />resolution from the Board of Education should be directed to the County <br />Commissioners setting forth certain requirements of the General Statutes. <br />1) The nature of the emergency, 2) why the emergency was not foreseen, and <br />foreseeable when the budget resolution was adopted, 3) what specific objects <br />oz expenditures will be added or increased as a result of the transfer, and <br />9) what objects or expenditures will be eliminated or reduced as a result <br />of the transfer. <br />