Orange County NC Website
~_~_~ao9-~~ <br />~~~ ya v eat <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />consider this item in conjunction with item 6-a. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />gg_ Efland Sewer Resolution Amendment -Rate Increase Schedule <br />The Board considered amending the existing Efland Sewer Resolution by replacing the <br />current rate structure with a new rate structure and afour-year schedule of rate increases. <br />Commissioner Nelson suggested that there is quite a bit of misunderstanding about this <br />issue and he suggested using an interpreter to go out and talk to this community. <br />Laura Blackmon said that Kevin Lindley is working on getting a meeting together with an <br />interpreter. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Jennifer McAdoo-Ruffin said that Commissioner Nelson said everything they wanted to <br />say. She said that they have heard the Orange County employees speak about hard times and <br />the people in Efland are facing the same trials. She said that the community is totally against <br />this rate increase. <br />Commissioner Jacobs requested that there be someone from DSS and OCIM when <br />there is a community meeting and that the meeting be held at a public facility. <br />Chair Foushee said that some people may be more comfortable in their own community <br />when having this meeting. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz asked for a brief update on the completion of the Efland sewer <br />project. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames said that they are in the process of getting through the <br />approval process mandated by the grant. Staff is working with the EPA on this. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz asked if there was a way to expedite this process. He is <br />concerned about continued delays because of increased construction costs. <br />Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Yuhasz's concerns and he would like <br />a written report when the Board comes back in the fall about this project. He said that <br />Commissioner Yuhasz asked for an update two weeks ago and the Board of County <br />Commissioners needs to get up to speed on this. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />amend the Efland Sewer Resolution by replacing the existing rates with the new rate schedule, <br />as shown in Attachment 1, and that a meeting be held in the community (with an interpreter) to <br />explain what is going on with this issue. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />hh. Approval of School and County FY 2009-10 Capital Proiect Ordinances <br />~~/ "` The Board considered approving School and County capital project ordinances. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Twin Creeks item was supposed to come back later <br />because the Board has not approved it yet. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the legal sheets attached to the abstract and <br />page 52. She said that her recollection was that the Link Center Renovations would be paid for <br />by pay-as-you-go funds. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz made reference to the last set of capital project ordinances <br />approved at the last meeting. He made reference to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School <br />Capital Project Ordinance on page 8. He asked about Transfers from Completed Projects of <br />$210,000. Donna Coffey said that she does not know about this and she will check with the <br />school system about this. This relates to closed projects from prior years. He wants to know <br />where this money has been. Donna Coffey said that she would provide this information. <br />