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Another matter presented by the Chairman was a Resolution from the <br />Granville County Board of Commissioners in regard to the closing of the <br />Oxford Tobacco Research Laboratory, Oxford, North Carolina, <br />The Clerk was requested to send copies of the resolution and the <br />attached material to members of the Board. This matter will appear on <br />the April 3rd agenda. <br />Item 6: The Sediment Control Officer will. review two violations of <br />the Erosion Control Ordinance. As this discussion is basis for possible <br />civil litigation, the County Attorney recommends this be held in executive <br />session. - <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted to go into executive session to dis- <br />cuss potential civil litigation. <br />Executive session ensued. <br />Upon reconvening from the executive session, the Chairman explained <br />that the Board had reviewed two violations of the County's Ordinance to <br />Provide for the Control of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation. These viola- <br />t~.oris were committed by Eastowne Associates and Brendle's Inc., in failing <br />to follow their approved erosion control plans. <br />The Chairman asked, "what is the pleasure of the Board?" <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Nillhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to direct the County Attorney to <br />draft a lettex to Eastowne Associates informing them the County will <br />assess a civil penalty of $100 per day beginning with March 15, 1978 and <br />continuing until such time as Eastowne is in compliance with the County <br />Ordinance. The County Attorney was further authorised to seek injunctive <br />relief through th.e Courts against Eastowne Associates. <br />The Chaarman asked the Board to consider the violation of the <br />Ordinance by Brendle's Inc. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved to direct the County Attorney to draft <br />a letter to Brendle's Inc., informing them the County will assess a civil <br />penalty of $100 per day beginning with r4arch 15, 1978, and continuing un- <br />til such time as Brendle's Inc. is in compliance with the County Ordinance, <br />and to seek injunctive relief through the Courts against Brendle's Inc. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson seconded this motion and it was unanimously <br />adopted by the Board. <br />The meeting was then adjourned. G{ j <br />hard E. Whitted Chairman <br />R1G , <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />S <br />