Orange County NC Website
. 11N8WI1 ~, <br />"Report's that is on file in the offices of the Grantor and the Fund, and available for public <br />inspection. The Parties acknowledge that the Report is the appropriate basis for monitoring <br />compliance with the objectives of preserving the conservation and water quality values; and that <br />it is not intended to preclude the use of other evidence {e.g. surveys, appraisals) to establish the <br />present condition of the Easement Area if there is a controversy over such present condition. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits recited <br />herein, together with other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is <br />hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Grantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably <br />gives, grants and conveys forever and in perpetuity to the State, its successors and assigns, and the <br />State hereby accepts, this Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent <br />hereinafter set forth in, over, through and across the Easement Area, together with the right and <br />easement to preserve and protect the Conservation Values. <br />The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to provide environmental protection for <br />surface waters and to protect the wildlife and natural heritage values and it shall be so held, <br />maintained, and used therefore. It is the fin-ther purpose of this Conservation Easement to <br />prevent any use of the Easement Area that will significantly impair or interfere with the <br />preservation of said Conservation Values. Grantor intends that this Conservation Easement will <br />restrict the use of the Easement Area to such activities as are consistent with the Conservation <br />Values described in the Recitals herein. <br />ARTICLE I. DURATION OF EASEMENT <br />This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross, runs with the <br />land, and is enforceable by State against Grantor, its representatives, successors, assigns, lessees, <br />agents and licensees. <br />ARTICLE II. RIGHTS RESERVED TO GRANTOR <br />Grantor reserves certain rights accruing from the fee simple ownership of the Easement <br />Area, including the right to engage in or permit others to engage in the uses of the Easement Area <br />that are not inconsistent with the purpose(s) of this Conservation Easement. All rights reserved by <br />the Grantor, are reserved for Grantors, their representatives, successors, and assigns, and are <br />considered to be consistent with the conservation purposes of this Conservation Easement. The <br />provisions, conditions, and restrictions of this Conservation Easement apply to the Easement Area. <br />Except for the specific restrictions and prohibitions made applicable herein to the Easement Area, <br />Grantor shall continue to own and may use the Easement Area in any lawfiil manner. Grantor <br />expressly reserves the following rights: <br />A. Passive Recreational Use. Grantor reserves the right to engage and to permit others <br />to engage in passive recreational uses of the Easement Area as provided herein, and by Fund <br />approved amendments thereto, requiring minunal surface alteration of the land, so long as related <br />alterations, construction, improvements, maintenance, activities and uses pose no threat to the <br />conservation values of the Easement Area. <br />