Agenda - 09-15-2009 - 4q
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-15-2009
Agenda - 09-15-2009 - 4q
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/11/2009 9:55:24 AM
Creation date
9/11/2009 9:55:23 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090915
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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g <br />INTRODUCTION AND SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS PROJECTS FLOW CHART <br />Each year, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) receives a budget through <br />an appropriations bill created by the Congress of the United States and signed by the President. <br />Since 1994, EPA's budget for State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) has included funding <br />for a number of "special needs" projects identified in the appropriations bills by name and dollar <br />amount. Funding of these projects is in the form of a 55% reimbursement grant from EPA. A <br />reimbursement grant is one in which the grantee incurs the costs, and then submits the invoices <br />for such costs to EPA for payment at the federal percentage rate of the grant, no greater than <br />55%. EPA refers to these projects as Special Appropriations Projects (SPAPs); however, some <br />people refer to them as STAG projects because they are identified in the STAG portion of our <br />budget. The authority to award the SPAPs grants has been given to the ten regional offices <br />within EPA. Region 4 in Atlanta, Georgia, awards the SPAPs grants for the southeastern states, <br />i.e., Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and <br />Tennessee. <br />This procedures manual is intended to be a tool to assist grantees in understanding the grant <br />process requirements and provisions related to these SPAPs for wastewater, drinking water and <br />storm water needs in Region 4. It is loosely organized into six phases that follow the process <br />flow chart shown on the following pages. Included in the phases are the specific requirements <br />for those actions. Please note that the states of AL, KY, MS and NC assist EPA in the <br />administration of these grant to varying degrees; therefore, the process may differ slightly in <br />those states. <br />Since EPA cannot award funds for final design and construction until it completes an <br />environmental review of the project, the grantee has two award process options. The first option <br />is to request a grant for planning and conceptual design to prepare the needed preliminary <br />engineering report and environmental information document with federal funds. The grant <br />would then be amended to include funds for the construction phase of the project once the <br />environmental review was completed by EPA. The second option is to request funding only for <br />final design and construction, thus paying for the planning and environmental information <br />document with local funds. In this option the grant would be awarded once the environmental <br />review once EPA had completed its review. <br />As with any document all comments are general in nature and specific project requirements may <br />vary. Please note that this document is prepared as a reference tool for general nroiects <br />and that the federal regulations will apply first in cases of conflict. This document is also <br />part of the Region 4 workbook entitled, "Workbook for Special Appropriations Grants," and is <br />available on line at httu://www.eua.aov/re~ion4/water/gtas/SPAPs workbook.html. <br />2 <br />
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