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The Chairman stated that should the information be received from the <br />County School System this wekk and presented to Mr. Jones, the Board should <br />be able to approve the proposed program at its March 21, 1977 meeting. <br />The meeting adjourned for lunch. <br />The Board of Commissioners reconvened frpm lunch to discuss Item 16: <br />A report of the bid results for the proposed joint Animal Shelter facility <br />Far copy of bid results, see page 531 of this book. <br />The agenda attachment contained a letter from the Town of Chapel Hill <br />which stated that the total project cost is $202,000. Orange County and <br />the Town of Chapel Hill each originally budgeted $55,000 each for con- <br />struction of this facility. Based upon the results of the bid opening, a <br />50 percent share of total costs would be $101,000. <br />The Chairman reminded the Board that in November, 1977, the architect <br />was asked to submit bids for the project and that the facility would then <br />be locked at with the overall County Capitel Outlay program in mind. <br />Commissioenr Willhoit stated that much of the details regarding the <br />shelter were worked out before he became a member of the Board and that <br />he understoed this was the first step in implementing an animal program <br />in the County. An overall program would be to consider increase in dog <br />taxes, boarding fees, and a fining structure for dogs running loose. He <br />added that he could see no other alternative in the animal shelter <br />problem in the County. <br />Chairman Whitted stated he was assuming in November that the Board <br />would have had bids in on the Grady Brown Building and the Jail by this <br />time. <br />Mr. Willhoit added that an increase in dog revenues would pay for the <br />overrun in cost of the facility and would not affect the building program <br />in prpcess. <br />Commissioner Walker stated he had contended from the first mention of <br />an animal shelter that the location should be in Northern Orange County. <br />He continued by stating the cost of construction will continue to increase, <br />and the County is under a commitment to the Town of Chapel Hill. He stated <br />he was opposed to the principle, however, he is willing to compromise in <br />order to get the animal shelter started. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated he felt the animal problem could be <br />dealt with best with the Town of Chapel Hill rather than the County opera- <br />ting alone. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated he was not happy with the number of runs <br />designed for the shelter, that 30 runs were not adequate for both Chapel <br />rill and the County. - <br />The Chairman stated the options the County has is to either accept <br />the bids or reject the same. The design can be sent back to the drawing <br />board, or if the project is accepted, there is a possibility the County and <br />Town will be faced shortly with the need for additional runs. He added <br />there does not appear to be any other way of reducing the cost of the pro- <br />ject, however, expansion is possible with this plan. <br />Discussion ensued. Commissioner Willhoit moved to proceed with the <br />project by setting up a committee to devise a mechanism to work on ~?efining <br />a fee schedule for a comprehensive animal program. <br />The Finance Director zeminded the Board of other projects in which <br />-. the County is involved, and which will require allocations from the Con- <br />tingency Fund. <br />Commissioner Willhoit's motion died far lack of a second. <br />The Board discussed further various methods of financing the County's <br />portion of the animal shelter. <br />