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Mr. Dobelstein suggested that the two Boards discuss procedural issues <br />at the March 20th meeting before dealing with the substance of the request <br />of Chapel Hi11. <br />Dr. Boaar referred to the action of the Town of Chapel Hi11 concerning <br />their application to the State for the landfill area in the New Hope Commu- <br />nity. He stated this had left a very bad impression on the people of the <br />community. He stated the needed same evidence of the need for the extra <br />jurisdiction of, in some cases, over three miles, that he personally needed <br />additional information in order to deal with the request. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated he would like the Boards to consider the <br />extraterritorial request not in terms of arbitrary radii from the Chapel Hill <br />Board, but in terms of the land classification of transision lines in this <br />area. He suggested that lines be based on criteria of areas which will be <br />serviced by water, sewer, and other services. <br />Commissioner Pinney stated a key issue of his'was whether or not <br />Chapel Hill planned to bring trailors in their plan as non-conforming or <br />whether trailors will be zoned as such. <br />The Planning Board indicated they had not digested Maycr Wallace's <br />letter throughly and would be in a better position to talk about the <br />jurisdiction request after the March 20th meeting with representatives of <br />the Chapel Hill Planning Board and staff. <br />Ttem TTI: A vacancy on the Area Mental Health Board has existed for <br />sometime and last appeared on the Commissioners' agenda on November 7, 1977. <br />Commissioner Pinney has requested this item be added to the agenda. <br />Commissioner Pinney nominated Frances Bridgera as a member of the Area <br />Mental Health Board. Commissioner Willhoit seconded the motion and all <br />members of the Board voted aye. The motion was declared passed. <br />An item added to the agenda was a Proclamation declaring March 5th <br />through 10th as Orange County Sheltered Workshop Week. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, <br />it was moved and adopted to approve .the proclamation. <br />(For copy of proclamation, see next page). <br />The Gounty Attorney reported that from his research, he had determined <br />that a general Ordinance making power would provide the legal vehicle to <br />execute a Disclosure Ordinance declaring that the Health Department must <br />approve all underground absorption systems before they are used. This would <br />apply to all land sold and where construction occurs not now covered by the <br />Subdivision Regulations. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved to authorize the County Attorney to invest- <br />igate options in which direction the County can proceed. <br />Discussion ensued. The Board requested the County Attorney to prepare <br />a memorandum of options regarding disclosure of underground absorption <br />systems for their consideration. <br />Commissioner Willhoit's motion died for lack of a second. <br />The meeting was then adjourned. <br />RicTiard Whitted, Chaixman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br />