Orange County NC Website
Attachment 4 19 <br />Board of County Commissioner's Goal, <br />Priority and Comprehensive Plan Objectives Strategy Form <br />Date: Se tember 15, 2009 <br />Title: Com rehensive Trans ortation Plan <br />Princi les/Goals: <br />Princi les: <br />1. Efficient and Fiscal) Res onsible Provision of Public Facilities and Services <br />2. Sustainable Growth and Develo ment <br />3. Encouragement of Energy Efficiency, Lower Energy Consumption, and the Use of Non-Polluting <br />Renewable Ener Resources <br />4. Promotion of Both Air Qualit Protection and the Develo ment of an Effective Trans ortation S stem <br />5. Natural Area Resource Preservation <br />6. Preservation of Rural Land Use Pattern <br />8. Promotion of Economic Pros erit and Diversit <br />Goals: <br />Transportation Goal 1: An efficient and integrated multi-modal transportation system that protects the natural <br />environment and communit character. <br />Transportation Goal 2: A multi-modal transportation system that is affordable, available, accessible to all users, <br />and that romotes ublic health and safet <br />Transportation Goal 3: Integrated land use planning and transportation planning that serves existing <br />development, supports future development, and is consistent with the County's land use plans which include <br />rovisions for reservin the natural environment and communit character <br />Transportation Goal 3: Integrated land use planning and transportation planning that serves existing <br />develo ment. <br />Economic Development Goal 2: Infrastructure that supports desired development. <br />Land Use Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program and pattern that limits sprawl, <br />preserves community and rural character, minimizes land use conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced <br />trans ortation s stem. <br />Natural and Cultural Systems Goal 1: Energy conservation, sustainable use of non-polluting renewable energy <br />resources, efficient use of non-renewable energy resources, and clean air. <br />Objective: <br />Objective T-3.2: <br />Create and implement an Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Plan that provides the framework for <br />a comprehensive and connected transportation system supporting a mix of all transportation modes, including <br />sidewalks and bicycle facilities, bus and rail transit facilities, and highways. The plan should be coordinated <br />with the goals and objectives of this Comprehensive Plan and seek to maintain and enhance community <br />character and the natural environment. <br />Economic Development Objective ED-2.3: <br />Promote public transportation, alternative modes of transportation, and encourage carpooling and park-and- <br />ride artici ation. <br />Land Use Objective LU-3.2: <br />Coordinate land use patterns to facilitate the expanded use of nonauto modes of travel, the increased <br />occu anc of automobiles, and the develo ment and use of an ener -efficient trans ortation s stems. <br />Natural And Cultural Systems Objective AE-7: <br />Ex and and enhance Oran a Count 's ublic trans ortation s stem. <br />Natural And Cultural Systems Objective AE-8: <br />Improve transportation efficiency: promote more public transportation, ride sharing, and alternative <br />trans ortation such as bic cles and walkin . <br />