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v ~.. ~., <br />Commissioner Walker stated he was willing to give the additional. re- <br />quested time since same Advisory Councils have only met two times. 'S'hat <br />some members of the Councils needed mare time to understand the Ordinance. <br />The County Attorney pointed out to the Board "there should be no signi- <br />ficant change in the Ordinance as a result of a recommendation on April 20, <br />1978, because any significant change would require a public hearing. Any <br />significant change would be a definite recommendation by the Planning Board <br />rather than a recognition of a need to go countywide". <br />The Chairman to the Board opened 'the meeting at this point for comments <br />from members of the audience. <br />pr. David Lang from the Eno Township Council stated the request for a <br />delay was not a tactic, but since the Ordinance was a highly senitive issue, <br />he felt Councils should be provided additional time for study. <br />Mr. tiara Sykes spoke against the extending of the Subdivision Ordinance <br />countywide. , <br />Bobby Nichols asked if there were any problems with septic tanks and <br />roads in Eno and Chapel Hill Townships since the Ordinance has been in <br />effect? <br />Commissioner Gustaveson respaned there were problems in all townships. <br />Mr. Nichols then painted out that the majority of problems caused in <br />sedimentation near roads is due to problems created by the Department of <br />Transportation. He added that pressures should be applied to take care <br />of this problem. <br />The Board of Commissioners proceeded to answer questions regarding <br />the Subdivision Ordinance raised during this public discussion. <br />Mrs. Eve Shy, a representative of the Chapel Hi11 League of Women <br />Voters, read a statement in support of adopting the Subdivision Regulations <br />countywide. She stated the League of Women Voters believed the regulations <br />protect and enhance land values rather than lower them as can happen if <br />no planning is done. <br />Other persons speaking against the Subdivision Ordinance extension <br />countywide were Tony Seaber, Ben Lloyd, Josephine Barbour and other un- <br />identified persons. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the Board follow the recommendation of <br />the Planning Board to approve the concept of subdivision regulations for <br />the entire County as one form of land use planning, and further moves to <br />recommend to the County Commissioners the establishment of a countywide <br />committee composed of no more than three members from each Township Advisory . <br />Council and charge this committee with consolidating all recommended changes. <br />additions, and deletions to the proposed Subdivision Regulations. A dead- <br />line of April 15th is established far the committee to report their find- <br />ings and recommendations to the Planning Board. Further, that the Planning <br />Board take immediate steps to evaluate the recommendations and establish <br />a firm recmmended position to the County Commissioners no later than <br />April 20, 1978, which is the regular meeting of this Board. Commissioner <br />Walker stated the eight recommended changes, which do not require public . <br />hearing, were included in the motion. <br />The Chairman called far a second to the motion. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked Mr. Walker if he would make his motion <br />in the form of two motions, and Mr. Walker replied "no". <br />The Chairman declared the motion of Commissioner Walker died for lack <br />of a second. <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that all the proposed amendments be re- <br />ferred back to the Planning Board for review, that the amendments be <br />advertised and presented for consideration at the May, 1978 public hearing. <br />Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion. <br />