Orange County NC Website
z <br />2) Correction of Funding Source -The County Capital Project Fund project ordinances listed <br />below correct the method used to move funds from one project to another. In past years funds <br />have been moved from one project to another by intrafund transfers. This is not "best practice" in <br />the accounting industry and should not be done for the following reasons: <br />1) Transfers are only to be used for budgeted movements between funds, not for budgeted <br />movements within the same fund. The use of transfers within the same fund will result in an <br />inflated figure for both the budgeted amount of money and the actual amount of money in the <br />fund. <br />2) The use of transfers between projects can obscure the actual source of funds being used to <br />pay for any one project, thus making it difficult to track and properly account for the use of <br />restricted fund sources such as debt financing and grants. <br />The best practice is to reduce the funding source of the project from which funds are being moved. <br />Conversely the project receiving additional funding will show an increase in its fund source. In the <br />chart below, projects with the same number followed by a letter indicate those projects in which funds <br />were first reduced (project "A") and then increased (project "B°), thus correcting the inappropriate <br />"transfer" between projects. <br />The current Project Ordinance budgets for Homestead Aquatics and Southern Park are also out of <br />balance by offsetting amounts. Project ordinances 8A and 8D correct those balances. <br />The Twin Creeks (Moniese Nomp) Park Project Ordinance 6C, Lands Legacy Project Ordinance 86 <br />and Northem Human Service Center (now Cedar Grove)-Park Ordinance 8C are being amended to <br />align revenues with expenditures by including the remaining funding from the April 2009 Altemative <br />Financing and future financing. <br />In addition, Central Recreation Repairs Ordinance 5A is being reduced by $51,060 to provide funding <br />needed to cover over expended budgets in the Greenways Development project and Homestead <br />Community Center project. <br />d/tq <br />.9oaq~OG <br /> Capital Project Ordinance Account <br />(r) revenue (e) expense Amount <br />debit Account <br />(r) revenue (e) expense Amount <br />credit <br />5A Central Recreation Re airs (r) 2/3rds Bonds 6111,060 (e) Transfer to other proj ;60,000 <br /> " (e) Construction S51 060 <br />5B Homestead Communi Ctr (r) Transfer from other proj 560,000 (r) 2/3rds Bonds 677,634 <br /> " ", (e) Sewer Connection 617,634 <br />6A Soccer SU erfund (r) 2001 Bonds 62,000,000 (e) Trensfer to other proj 62,000,000 <br />66 West Ten Soccer Com lex (r) Transfer from other proj 61,350,000 (r) 2001 Bonds ;1,350,000 <br />6C Twin Creeks Park (r) Transfer from other proj 6650,000 (r} Altemative Financing 61,000,000 <br /> " (r) 2001 Bonds 6350,000 <br />7 Greenwa Develo ment (r) 2001 Bonds 6575,000 (e) Transfer to other proj 61,000,000 <br /> " (r) Transfer from other proj 6425,000 (r) 2/3rds Bonds 633 426 <br /> " " (e) construction 633,426 <br />8A Homestead A uatics (e) Contribution to Ch Hill 62,809,508 (e) Transfer to other proj 63,175,000 <br /> " (r) 2001 Bonds 6500,000 (r) Alternative Financing 6500,000 <br />8B Lands Le aC (r Transfer from other proj 61,750,000 (r) 2001 Bonds 61,635,364 <br /> " " (e) Land 8 Associated Fees 62,825,300 (e) Millhouse Rd Property 6300 <br /> " (e) Blackwood Property 61,268,116 (e) Other 67,408,897 <br /> " (e) Lewis Heartleaf Presve 61,145 (r) Altemative Financing 62,800,000 <br />8C Northem Human Svc Ctr Park r Transfer from other ro 6500,000 (r) Akemative Financing 6500,000 <br />8D Southern Park (r) Transfer from other proj 6925,000 ((r 2001 Bonds 6925,000 <br /> " " (e) Contribution to Ch Hill 6365,492 <br />9 Bolin Creek Greenwa (r) Transfer from other proj 675,000 ((r) 2001 Bonds 675,000 <br /> Fund Total 616,591,681 616,591,681 <br />