Orange County NC Website
Sec. 6 - As long as questions about the 2001 bond allocations remain, we should <br />NOT CLOSE this project. <br />Att. 2n -Sportsplex <br />Sec. 1 states that funds are for the Justice Center additions, but this is the <br />Sportsplex project. <br />Sec. 4 -What are the "Swimming Pool Contrib"? <br />Att. 2p - Greenways <br />Sections 1, 3, and 4 are not clear to me with respect to the transfer of 2001 bond <br />funds. Please explain the actions taken and the reasons for those actions. <br />A capital project ordinance was adopted June 2007 authorizing these transfers. <br />The funds are transferred to those projects for the purpose of paying for <br />greenways in these parks. <br />Att. 2u -Animal Services Facility <br />Sec. 3 and Sec. 4 <br />Why does this project use FY2008-09 and FY2009-10 dates when most of the <br />other projects use the dates one year earlier, namely, FY2007-08 and FY2008- <br />09? Shouldn't this project also have the earlier dates, especially as we are <br />making the two amendments in FY2008-09 to update the projects for this fiscal <br />year? <br />There is a capital project ordinance that was adopted on June 2, 2009 that <br />showed the 2008-09 balance, and appropriated sa/es tax reimbursement, which <br />will be received in 2009-10. <br />Att. 2v -Justice Center <br />Sec. 3 and Sec.4 -Same question about the dates as for the Animal Services <br />Facility. <br />There is a capita! project ordinance that was adopted on June 2, 2009 that <br />showed the 2008-09 balance, and appropriated sales tax reimbursement, which <br />will be received in 2009-10. <br />C. Section 3 -Appropriation of Funds from April Alternative Financing <br />Att. 2z -Southern Community Park <br />Sec. 3 -The revenue amounts stated here should be reconciled with <br />amendments shown for the Greenways project, as appropriate. <br />It is in agreement, and the amendment is to correct the source of funds so that it <br />shows that it was 2001 bonds. <br />Att. 2aa -Cedar Grove Park <br />Sec. 3 -Shouldn't the $500,000 revenue "from other projects" be revenue from <br />