Orange County NC Website
25 <br />I fully understand economic development is different in <br />®range County. I have been involved in economic <br />development programs and policy formation for a long time. <br />Without an `end goal' in mind; product to pitch; and supporting <br />infrastructure, there is no economic development. <br />Ail other factors aside including staffing, the B®CC should <br />egaminie its commitments to ED in terms of target markets, <br />infrastructure financing and the forms of incentives it would <br />consider given a viable client and project. Without having a <br />clear strategy, ED will continue to be a less than effective <br />investment of resources with limited results. <br />~®~TIZ IDEPAlZTMENTS (~IIZ, Ii'INANCE, IT ANI) <br />PUI2CI~ASING are either supporting functions for <br />everything the county does; regulation/control over <br />everything the county does; or, some combination of two. In <br />Orange County, these functions tend to more about control and <br />regulation. That view if supported by the BOCC is very <br />successful. All of that control and regulation comes at a cost <br />and tends to negatively impact upon operations and the delivery. <br />of services. In a broad sense, this perception is addressed in the <br />following paragraphs. Examples exist that do not favorably <br />reflect upon organizational needs. <br />IN~OIaIY.irATI®N TECIIN®L®GY <br />I am told that ®range County government has more <br />computers than staff. If so, that was not an I.T. decision. <br />Throughout county government there is substantial need for <br />updating software applications. A high initial cost and <br />maintenance of software will be an on-going expense. <br />Adoption and funding of an I.T. Strategic Plan should be a high <br />priority. Clear goals need to be established and measured <br />21 <br />