Orange County NC Website
18 <br />S1X: <br />Parks and Recreation activities are closely aligned with some of <br />the county's efforts at land preservation. There should be closer <br />interaction and interface of those functions. <br />ENVIROTTIVLENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION <br />Orange County is unique in its approach to a variety of issues <br />and this department is among those elements where Orange <br />County differs from other counties in NC. I have experience <br />with several aspects of what ERC does but from a differing <br />view. IF, the BOCC is solidly supportive of the current <br />structure, then there are opportunities to expand ERC to more <br />closely address gaps that exist. <br />It is pointed out within this submission that connecting the dots <br />between Extension Services and/or Parks and Recreation would <br />help reduce the administrative oversight via the manager's <br />office. Either option could work, but would need phasing and <br />proactive support among existing staff. <br />Beyond those comments, the most important contribution <br />available at this point is to urge that once a project is identified, <br />Iinish it before tackling another major effort. Land acquisition <br />is a valuable preservation technique, but along the way as land <br />comes off the tax rolls it becomes difficult to support. Between <br />environmental regulation policies and zoning provisions and the <br />county's restriction on utility expansions, land within Orange <br />County is guaranteed to remain rural with limited development. <br />HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />This department consists of nine full and one part time staff. It <br />oversees 620 Section 8 housing units with 120 landlords. Note- <br />1/a of the Section 8 housing units are mobile homes and there is <br />currently a waiting list of 1400 persons with an availability rate <br />14 <br />