Orange County NC Website
15 <br />departments that leads to delays, added costs and make little <br />sense. (At the new senior center, delays in certifying the small <br />kitchen where meals are delivered, not prepared by county <br />health department inspectors is leading to revising construction <br />plans, change orders to already completed work detracting from <br />funds available for other expenses planned in the project.) <br />Toilets at the new senior center (probably at the old) are NOT <br />the newer elevated models making them easier to use by older <br />adults. There are examples of similar problems that should have <br />been avoided or resolved with better communications. <br />C~III,D S~.TPP®R.T C®I~LIECTI®N SElaVICES <br />The County has a very successful "program". It is a separate <br />department in Orange County. Elsewhere in NC these services <br />are a fiction of DSS and handled in a variety of options. <br />Approximately 66% of the base costs of delivering these <br />services are funded thru Title 40 SS federal dollars. <br />The office building is not ADA compliant for the staff or public <br />use. There is no dedicated public parking. <br />LIBRARIES <br />The main library under construction in Hillsborough will be a <br />great asset. It will raise expectations elsewhere for the county <br />to vastly improve upon other sites. All of the other branches <br />need attention and both ashort-term and long-term approach <br />should be considered for implementation. <br />Suggestions include: <br />CARRBORO -look at alternative space to allow for visibility <br />and expansion of use. Rental space in another building would <br />11 <br />